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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 681

Chapter 681 Treated Wynter as an Ordinary Person 

Chapter 681 Treated Wynter as an Ordinary Person 

Wynter did not even get up. She merely swerved and kicked Lea’s knees! Lea hit her head on the floor and started bleeding

“I’m going to sue you! I’m going to sue you!” 

Wynter thought nothing of it. She got someone to come and take care of it. After all, the police had to come and take her away anyway

Lea was indignant. Tanya’s death had nothing to do with me! Rowan is the suspect! He is the last person who saw her! Everyone on set knew that!” 

He is the last person?Wynter laughed. What about you? Do you mean to say you saw Tanyal sleepwalking every night except that night? That does not make sense at all. After all, you told me that you’ve seen her sleepwalking many nights consecutively.” 

Lea paused. Wynter continued slowly, Don’t worry. Lie detection tests are very accurate nowadays. We’ll be able to detect if you’re lying or not.” 

Lea knew she could no longer hide the truth and started to beg for mercy

I really did nothing! Tanya was being neurotic! She was constantly talking to the mirror! She was the one who no longer wanted to live! The wooden doll as well! It kept tempting me to steal it!” 

There’s a photo in the case file where the mirror’s position was changed.Wynter glanced at Lea out of the corner of her eye. I kept thinking why this would happen until I met you

You said it yourself. You would sleep on the film set at night. People who usually saw Tanya 

sleepwalking would be frightened half to death. Her assistants all left because of this

But you stayedWynter’s gaze darkened. Through the mirror, you saw her talking to the wooden doll

It’s not hard to guess what they were talking about. It was something along the lines of if Tanya obeyed it, the wooden doll would make her more famous than ever, right

You, as her body double, were already unhappy with the current situation. You wanted the wooden doll 

more than anyone

Is there any wrong in wanting that?Lea yelled defiantly

There is a saying in our industry that you attract what you are.Wynter lowered her gaze. Your evil thoughts made the wooden doll go insane. You said it tempted you? From where I’m seeing, there is no difference between you two.” 

Wynter looked at her phone. Besides, you have also looked into the wooden doll’s history and legend, right? You knew it came from Foplya, but you were still willing to do things on its behalf.” 

How did you know I’ve looked into itLea’s face paled

Wynter looked out of the window at the police car You’ve moved the mirror which broke the wooden 

doll’s bond

Chapter 681 Treated Wynter as an Ordinary Person 

That was why it killed Tanya. Tanya had been feeding it, and you have been nourishing it. She paid the price

It’s time for you to be locked up. After all, you’re so selfish, leaving you around would be harmful to 


I will not go down! No one can prove that there are ghosts on this earth!Lea yelled at Wynter

At this moment, the police arrived at the apartment, and Lea Immediately launched into a tirade


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