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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Albert’s Decision 

He didn’t even make it to the hospital before he stopped breathing,Wynter said in a serious tone

Albert’s and Fabian’s eyes widened in shock. They couldn’t dismiss her words as merely a dream. After all, it concerned Tobias

Phil couldn’t help but ask, So, was that why you showed up when Mr. Tobias was filming that show?” 

It was a coincidence that I met him then,Wynter replied softly, lowering her gaze. But I’m grateful I was there. The same goes for what happened 

with Rowan. Grandpa, Albert, I can’t just treat these as mere dreams.” 

Fabian’s hand trembled as he gently patted Wynter’s head. Don’t be afraid, Wynter. Grandpa’s here.” 

But it’s not over yet, Wynter continued, lifting her gaze to meet Albert’s. Albert, back then, Grandpa called you back to help

Just like today, you ran into Ms. Horton at the airport. Our family was in turmoil then, and Grandpa was counting on you to help us tide through. But after Ms. Horton showed up, you and Grandpa became estranged

Grandpa financed Ms. Horton’s studies abroad, and she accepted it. After she returned, she claimed that she wanted to earn Grandpa’s approval through her efforts

In my dream, this didn’t happen. You found out by chance and felt that Grandpa was controlling everything, even your love life

The company’s shareholders pressured Grandpa, and your unpredictable stance led to his eventual removal as CEO.” 

As Wynter spoke, Albert visibly trembled, losing his usual composed demeanor

He closed his eyes in distress and said hoarsely, I never intended for my feelings to drive a wedge between Grandpa and me.” 

That’s why I’m asking about your feelings for Ms. Horton, Albert, do you know what news Grandpa received on his deathbed

During your engagement party with Ms. Horton, you fell into a coma. Grandpa passed away, and she ended up with your company shares.” 

Albert’s composure shattered. That’s impossible! The company’s shares are vital to the Quinnell family. I would only entrust them to Sebastian, who understands how to run the business.” 

After acquiring the shares, the first thing Ms. Horton did was to kick Sebastian out of the company,Wynter interrupted Albert, laying out the facts plainly. She wanted her brother to understand the gravity of the situation

Wynter waited anxiously for Albert’s decision, fearing he might side with Jolene. Her heart was suspended in uncertainty

Albert’s eyes reddened. He was filled with conflicting emotions. Are you saying there’s something wrong 

with her

I suspect Ms. Horton has ulterior motives. You can verify it for yourself,Wynter replied

Albert clenched and unclenched his fists before saying. It was indeed too coincidental to meet her at the airport. I’ve been wondering how it happened just like that

Who do you think orchestrated her to approach me, Wynter? Could it be Dad?” 

Albert continued with a note of mockery in his voice, It’s highly possible. Our father is really something 


Chapter 718 Albert Helps Wynter 

Wynter heaved a sigh of relief. Albert was proving to be smarter and more responsible than she had anticipated. His resolve reassured her

Albert noticed the relieved expressions on Wynter’s and Fabian’s faces

Although he hadn’t interacted with Wynter much, he knew his grandfather well. Fabian had always been decisive, never before showing such hopefulness. It was as if he feared being blamed by his grandson. Albert’s throat tightened with guilt and pain. From Wynter’s description, he could sense the helplessness and despair Fabian must have felt. He couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for him. Regardless of Jolene’s intentions, it was wrong of Albert to make Fabian deal with it. Although Albert wasn’t raised by Fabian, and many believed they weren’t close, he knew better

As his eldest grandson, Albert remembered the joy his birth had brought to Fabian. All these were captured in old photos and recounts from his mother

He recalled how Fabian had held his hand when he was five and taught him to write with a pencil

Others said Fabian had a bad temper and was strict. Shane often complained about Fabian’s adherence to tradition


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