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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 922

Chapter 922 The Evidence Is Here 

Wynter’s voice was calm. We’ll see what your sentence is later. But I guarantee that your dad and your grandpa will spend the rest of their lives in prison.” 

Suddenly, Wynter paused as if remembering something. Oh right, and your beloved lawyer, Mr. Donovan. He’ll join you there, too.” 

Wyatt was trembling all over as he looked at the documents. He had never imagined that Alfie would be taken away for investigation

You’re lying! That’s impossible! My grandpa is retired! Plus, he’s a decorated hero!” 

Alfie had told him that even in the worst danger, he had to stay calm. There would be no evidence of his deeds. He must not crack

Wyatt remembered that just as he was on the verge of breaking down

He stared right into Wynter’s eyes. You can’t scare me. You have no authority over my grandpa.” 

Whether we do or not, the results will tell, Wynter said softly. Up until now, you haven’t shown an ounce of remorse for Dulcie. Your family even tampered with her autopsy report.” 

Wyatt’s eyes widened: Do you have proof? Stop making baseless accusations! I’ve told you countless times that she came to me willingly!” 

He continued, All she wanted was a pretty dress. I have good grades, my family is rich, and I’m good- looking. She was always hanging around me. If you don’t believe me, go ask around.” 

He was confident because the dress was real. It was mentioned in Hailey’s statement, too. Everyone in class saw Wyatt give Dulcie gifts, which complicated the case further

As the investigation went on, some people began to doubt

Maybe that girl just wanted a pretty dress,” 

Kids today are really competitive. It’s hard to say.” 

Hearing such discussions, Wynter understood even more why Budd preferred to be a sacrifice rather than seek justice through normal channels 

Because after Dulcie’s death, the focus of some people shifted away from the abusers and toward 

incessantly scrutinizing the victim/They demanded the victim to be perfect

Wynter turned around. By your logic, if Dulcie had done everything willingly, she wouldn’t have felt any pain, let alone killed herself. Now, explain to me how she died.” 

The two female officers discussing the case suddenly stiffened up.. 

You don’t deserve the uniforms you’re wearing.Wynter said softly. You two are women, too. Think about it. If you faced such a situation at 13, how terrified would you be? There were three abusers, not Just one.” 

Chapter 922 The Evidence Is Here 

Wynter walked past the two female officers. Inform their superiors and have them removed. The Special Unit will take over this case

The department leaders didn’t dare to object. The case had too much impact. Allowing such talk among their ranks was inviting trouble


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