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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 974

Chapter 974 Still Putting on the Act Wynter has Already Made her Move 

Declan put down his teacup and said as if he had made an important decision, I’ll talk to your grandpa. But you need to keep calm and avoid confronting him directly. You should pay more attention to his health. It’s been tough for him these years.” 

Wynter has just been brought back recently, and there are many matters both at home and outside to handle,Declan continued casually. Some shareholders still think Wynter is too young and can’t handle 


You know those uncles of yours. They’ve spent many years navigating the business world. Do you think they would respect Wynter? I doubt it.Declan sighed, Your grandpa must be worried about this too

I also want to ask him why he chose to hand over the massive enterprise of the Quinnells to Wynter 

instead of you.” 

Declan patted Albert on the shoulder. I know it hasn’t been easy for you to be abroad for so many years. You and I are both the most suitable candidates in the Quinnells when it comes to business

Putting aside whether you want to lead the Quinnell Group or not, there are so many employees in the group. If everything were handed over to Wynter, she would be overwhelmed. She’s still just a child.” 

On the surface, his words seemed to be for the greater good. But in reality, he was stirring up conflict 

between the Quinnell siblings

It was just as he had subtly instigated with Shane before. However, he had overlooked the fact that Albert and Shane were vastly different

Since Albert could remember, his mother had been pregnant with twins. She would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up when she paid attention to him

Young Albert only had one wishhe wanted to earn money to support his younger siblings. When Wynter was born, she was an adorable rascal who would giggle whenever they came home

Albert felt he needed to make money so his siblings wouldn’t be bullied

Albert enjoyed running the company because it allowed his younger brothers to pursue their interests

For instance, Albert thought it was great that Tobias loved singing and dancing. Not only was their family wealthy, but they also had him, their eldest brother, to rely on

Now, here was Declan telling him all these negative things about his sister, trying to manipulate him. Albert inwardly scoffed. No amount of money or power mattered to him more than the health of his 


Declan assumed his words had sunk in when he noticed how silent Albert was

Declan felt confident that everything was under control and that success was certain when he thought Albert had already begun to contemplate. Moreover, he still had a secret ace up his sleeve

There were some things so ancient and hidden that even the medium couldn’t detect them. Perhaps if 

the medium had visited Declan, he might have seen through it. But in all these years, the medium had refused to see him. Only the Foplyans had 

Declan had stumbled upon this aceby chance. As long as he carried the Quinnell’s name, he believed 


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