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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 985

Chapter 985 About Dalton Yarwood 

The strangest thing about Mount Etna was that even if one shouted from one end, those on the other end. wouldn’t hear them

The periphery of Mount Etna only got electricity in 2017, and even professional adventurers were daunted by its challenges

In addition, the forest was home to leeches, poisonous insects, pythons, black bears, and persistent wicked energy

Consequently, despite numerous legends surrounding Mount Etna, no one dared to venture into its depths

The most famous tale was that of the Lincoln family’s treasure. It was said that the countless treasures of gold and silver were hidden underground in his residence

The mansion’s courtyard also supposedly held mysterious patterns, possibly indicating the treasure’s location

All of this, however, had never been verified.. 

Historical records were more reliable. Archaeological findings indicated that the area was once a multi- ethnic state known as the ancient Aplana Kingdom. However, due to the challenging terrain, few ventured into the area over the centuries

If the forest rangers on the outskirts saw a man approaching the mountain dressed in a suit, they would definitely stop him and give him a stern warning. After all, entering there could be a death sentence

The calls of crows could be heard as they flew overhead. They seemed to be guiding the way. The man walked unhurriedly, sending a few messages before entering the mountain

However, he received no reply. He wasn’t sure what the other person was preoccupied with, and the lack. of reply made him raise an eyebrow. But he had said what needed to be said

The man knew that someone’s anxiety would spike if they realized Wolf was missing. I’ve taken Wolf to the mountains. Kaspar Stavius mentioned a way to heal him.His message was meticulously crafted

The man opened a black umbrella after pocketing his phone. The bracelet on his wrist stood out, though it no longer served him. He only needed one more soul to achieve soulbody unity

The monks had always been overconfident in their abilities, believing they could trap him

The man was pale and even coughing occasionally. He looked as if he could die at any moment. Yet, his striking looks often made people forget this

Hidden malevolent spirits in the mountain began to stir as they sensed his presence. They had gone without prey for a long time and were eager for a meal

This weaklingwasn’t going to live long anyway. He might as well serve as an appetizer for them

Malevolent spirits loved devouring souls, but they were certainly foolish. They had been confined to this 

Chapter 985 About Dalton Yarwood 

small plot of land, unable to go out for too long. They failed to recognize the crows in the sky

The malevolent spirits extended their black claws and lunged at Dalton Yarwood. However, at the next second, a few of them froze midair, their faces contorted in agony as if their insides were being torn 


Dalton merely glanced at them, his empty eyes betraying no emotion. He looked out of place in the forest as he stood tall in his finely tailored suit, but the malevolent spirits were paled from horror


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