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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 586

Brendan swiftly apprehended Landon and immediately dialed Jonas' cell, reporting with a sense of , "Sir, I've got Landon."

"Good job." Jonas nodded, his face an emotionless mask. He made his way down from the rooftop to a room he had reserved earlier.

After a considerable while, Jonas emerged from the room with an icy expression, hopped into his car parked outside the hotel, and drove toward the coastal villa. The journey was smooth, with little traffic, and it took Jonas just over ten minutes to reach the villa by the sea. He parked the car, stepped out, and leisurely pushed open the door to the villa.

Inside the living room, Elisea, whom he hadn't seen in two days, was waiting on the sofa, looking as menacing as a bloodthirsty demon. When she saw Jonas walk in, she bit her lower lip fiercely, as if steeling herself for what was to come. Slowly, she raised her head, and with a swift motion of her hand, she sent a flurry toward Jonas' chest.

In the blink of an eye, four slender, hair-thin silver needles embedded themselves precisely into Jonas' chest. Jonas grunted, unable to utter a word, and simply gazed at Elisea, watching as her face turned ashen.

Elisea stepped toward Jonas, pulled out a small dagger she always carried, and as tears streamed down her face, she sobbed, "Jonas, I'm sorry, but I have to save my mom. Killing you was a last resort. Once I've made sure she's safe, I'll give you my life in return. My hands are already stained with countless sins. I deserve to face the law. I'm sorry!"

With that, she closed her eyes tightly and thrust the dagger into Jonas' chest.

Crimson blood oozed slowly from Jonas' wound. Not until she was certain Jonas was lifeless did Elisea extract her dagger and walk out of the villa in a daze. At that moment, she felt a slight pain in her heart, as if she had lost the most precious thing in the world.

She couldn’t look back at Jonas' face lying on the ground, feeling utterly unworthy to meet his gaze. Her hands were tainted with blood, a symbol of her guilt and disgrace.

Elisea staggered out of the villa, her steps unsteady as if she might collapse at any moment. When she finally left the warmth of the villa behind, she saw a car parked not too far ahead.

With no interest in the vehicle, Elisea continued forward, her expression cold, and the blood from her sharp dagger dripping drop by drop.

The person who stepped out of the car parked near the villa was Madeline, who had been tailing Jonas for two days. Her wedding had been ruined by Elisea, and she was furious, determined to confront the wretched woman who had destroyed her nuptials and happiness.

However, Madeline didn't expect to encounter Elisea, dagger in hand and dripping with blood. Although Madeline was usually haughty, she had an innate fear of blood. She quickly retreated, putting distance between herself and Elisea, then yelled, "Hey! Are you Max's mommy?"

Elisea glanced at Madeline with icy indifference, not bothering to respond or even to understand what she was saying. She continued toward the distant shore.

Madeline felt a chill down her spine from Elisea's gaze and feared that she might be the next victim of the bloodied dagger. She watched Elisea walk away and muttered to herself, wondering if she had just encountered a madwoman.

Chapter 586 1


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