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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 301

The little girl in the video was totally jazzed, showing off the shells she found and the beach behind her to Sophia, not missing her mom one bit.

Maybe it's because Sophia has been busy with work and studies since she was born, leaving little time to hang out. Unlike other kids, Theresa's not clingy to Sophia when work picked up.

That kind of understanding just piled on the guilt for Sophia.

So, she called Susan back with a video call.

The phone was picked up after a short ring, and Susan's smiling face popped up on the screen.

"You’re up?" she chuckled, peeking over Sophia's shoulder, "Are you alone?"

Sophia nodded, "Yep. Is Theresa sleeping?"

"Yeah, tuckered out from the afternoon fun," Susan said, "Brandon just called Grace, wanting to catch up with Theresa."

Sophia pursed her lips, at a loss for words.

It was a curveball for Sophia when Susan took Theresa on a trip out of town.

Sophia figured Susan bolted because she knew Brandon was around and found out Theresa was on the 18th floor. Probably worried he'd pop up or Theresa would go looking, so they skipped town for a vacay.

Susan was still job hunting, so she's got all the time in the world for babysitting.

"Mommy?" Theresa's sleepy, bleary call came from behind the camera.

"Whoa, up again?" Susan looked surprised, swiveling the camera to her.

They were still out, in the car, parked at the scenic spot without budging.

They drove there, and Theresa was sleeping in the back seat.

The camera showed Theresa, obviously still groggy, rubbing her eyes and looking at the screen. Seeing Sophia, she brightened up quite a bit.

"Mommy." She called out crisply, scrambling up to the phone.

Susan couldn’t help but chuckle, "Sweetheart, your mom misses you."

Sophia cracked a smile at Theresa, "Did you have fun at the beach today?"

Theresa nodded, "Yes, there's so much water, and, so much, so much sand, super pretty."

Theresa couldn’t help but gesture wildly as she talked.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Sophia asked.

"Yes, I did!" Theresa beamed, then curiously asked Sophia, "Godmom said you will come too, so when is mommy coming?"

From behind the camera, Susan explained, "Thought we'd make the most of it, stick around a couple more days, why don’t you join us?"

"Sounds good." Sophia nodded, "I'll get my stuff."

Then told Theresa, "Mommy's gonna change clothes, be there in a jiffy, probably by dinner. Why don't you take another nap, and I'll wake you when I get there, okay?"


Theresa nodded vigorously, thrilled. Then she hesitated, gazing at Sophia with a milky voice, "Mommy, can I ask Handsome Unkie to join us too?"

Both Sophia and Susan went silent.

Seeing Sophia speechless, Theresa blinked her big eyes, puzzled, "Mommy, is it not okay?"

Sophia didn’t know what to say, her heart suddenly heavy.

It was a simple request from her daughter, and she couldn’t straightforwardly say "yes."

When she first decided to have Theresa, she did think of going it alone. Plenty of folks single-parent in this world, raising happy, healthy kids.

During her marriage to Brandon, his passion for work didn't exactly scream "dad of the year."

Sure, he'd spoil the kid, provide a plush life, but not the hands-on time.

He'd just be the stern parent: successful, authoritative, kinda scary. Add in his folks' disdain for her and their old-money mindset, that’s was why she chose the solo route for Theresa.

She could provide a loving, comfortable life—not luxury, but enough for a regular kid.

For Theresa, being happy and content is the real jackpot.

Later, when dodging Brandon became impossible without tanking her career, she gave in to fate, and stopped hiding Theresa.

But that was after she was sure that Brandon would stay single and it won’t mess with Theresa's growth.

She thought she'd have time to think it over, but Brandon was keen, and Theresa took to him more than expected, scrambling her plans. She's torn about letting him into Theresa's life.

Brandon's parents, the Crawley family's desire for the Frost family... everything remained unchanged.

Thinking about last night at the doorstep of the Frost family villa, Patricia ominously warned Rachel, saying, "I don’t know what she did to Brandon, just waltzed in by getting knocked up. She knows about Yolanda and Brandon, and I'm worried." And then there was Daniel on the phone saying, "Don't let that woman's act fool you. She tricked Mrs. Frost by pretending to be Yolanda. You know what the old lady's like, barely recognizes people anymore, believes anything she's told. This woman, to get into our family, would even use someone out of their wits—what wouldn't she do." Their prejudice against her never changed.

Sophia couldn't bear to think about how they would bad-mouth her in front of Theresa when she wasn't around. That sort of thing shouldn't be on the plate for someone her age.

"Handsome Unkie," Sophia choked up a bit, then whispered soothingly, "He’s gotta work, okay? He’ll play with you some other time, alright?"

Just like every other time she understood, Theresa nodded obediently and said, "Okay," without a hint of unhappiness on her face.

Sophia forced a smile for her and said, "Then you go to sleep, and mommy will come to you later."

"Okay." After crisply agreeing and a "Mommy, bye," Theresa handed the phone to Susan.

Susan looked at her and asked, "So what's the plan now?"

Sophia glanced at her and said, "Like I've had time to think about it."

Everything had happened last night. First, she bumped into Patricia, then Theresa met Brandon and brought him home. That was followed by Brandon's pointed probing, Patricia and Daniel's scolding calls, and then a video call from Yolanda’s grandma. She had a burst of inspiration and spent the whole night on designs, busied herself till this morning, then ran into Brandon again on her way out, came back and crashed, sleeping till now. She hadn't had the time to think about all this.

"Then stop thinking, and take a break," Susan suggested, turning the camera to the seaside view outside the car window. "Beach and sea, a bit of wind and sand play, and you'll forget all your troubles."

Sophia nodded lightly, "I'll head over in a bit."

She went back to her room, changed clothes, and took a cab straight to Zion City.

By the time she got there, it was mealtime, and Theresa was fully charged, over the moon to see Sophia. Usually okay with anyone's embrace, she clung to Sophia like a koala the moment she saw her, holding tight and not letting go.

Since Sophia had returned to the country, the family hadn't had a chance to go out and play.

So this first full family outing had Theresa super pumped. From the sandy beach to the aquarium, then the amusement park, Sophia gave her a solid weekend of fun.

Theresa had a blast, too. Maybe it's a kid's short memory or the distraction of new, exciting stuff, but she didn’t bring up Brandon again.

Before heading back on Sunday afternoon, they all went to eat in Zion City's bustling downtown area, at a local chain restaurant picked by Susan.

Susan drove them there.

When the car stopped in the parking lot, Sophia held Theresa, and got out first with Grace.

"You go park, and we'll go queue up," Sophia told Susan.

Susan waved at Sophia, "Alright, go ahead. I'll find you guys in a bit."

Sophia nodded, holding Theresa as she walked toward the elevator.

As they reached the elevator, the doors opened just in time, and people poured out. Sophia instinctively shifted Theresa to the side to make room.

A tall, skinny man in a floral shirt walked by, smoking. Sophia paused at the sight of the familiar face, turning her head to look at him. The man didn't notice her and continued towards the parking lot, heading in the direction where Susan had parked.

Sophia frowned and pulled out her phone to call Susan, but Susan didn't pick up.

Anxiety bubbling inside her, Sophia was about to hand Theresa to Grace when Susan called back.

"Don't get out of the car, I just saw your brother."

Sophia whispered urgently, her eyes darting toward Susan, but it was too late. Susan had already stepped out, coming face to face with the man in the floral shirt.

Sophia saw Susan's expression change abruptly, and she tried to get back into the car, but the man in the floral shirt was already closing in fast, yelling furiously, "Susan, you little bitch! Where the hell have you been these two years?" The angry roar came through the phone as he reached out and violently grabbed her ponytail, yanking her toward the car, shocking Sophia into covering Theresa's head with her neck to shield her from the sight.

"Theresa, you go up with Grace first, okay? Mommy's going to check on your godmother and will come find you in a bit," Sophia whispered in her ear.


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