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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 331

Halfway through handing over the work, Ivan got this feeling that something was fishy.

"How long are you planning on taking off?" Ivan paused the handover and looked at Sophia. "This doesn't look like a short break."

"I might take a long vacation." Sophia didn't want a whole lot of complications. "I'm thinking of taking Theresa to explore around. Ever since she was born, I've been all tied up with studying and work, barely had any time with her. Now that the Zenithan-style resort project is wrapped up for the moment, I figured it's a good chance to spend more time with her."

"How long?" Ivan asked.

Sophia pursed her lips slightly. "I don't know the specifics."

"Where to?"

"Just roaming around." Sophia kept it vague. "Planning on living as a nomad with Theresa for a bit."

She had in mind to take Theresa on a nomadic journey with Susan and Grace, maybe for a year or a year and a half, until Theresa was old enough for preschool. Then they'd find a city they all loved to settle down in.

Just as she had told Ivan, from Theresa's birth until now, she had been swamped with school and work, with only slivers of time to spend with her daughter.

Once Theresa started preschool, the time available to be with her would inevitably shrink, so Sophia wanted to take advantage of the time before preschool to wander around and be with her.

The decision to leave was spontaneous, and nomadic living seemed to fit the bill for them.

She hadn't given up her apartment, nor did she have time to deal with it now.

"So, when are you planning to leave?" Ivan asked.

"As soon as I tie up loose ends here."

Ivan chuckled, "So, in a couple of days, huh?"

Sophia smiled but didn't bite.

"Does Brandon know?" Ivan inquired.

Sophia's smile faded a bit. She didn't want to delve into that topic.

Ivan got the hint and didn't push further.

"Drop me a line once you're settled in," he said with a smile. "I'll cover for you here, don't sweat it."

"Thanks, Ivan."

Sophia couldn't help but smile back.

Brandon just happened to come down looking for Sophia, and as he stood at the office door, he caught the two of them sharing a laugh, which made him pause slightly.

Sophia just happened to look up and saw Brandon at the door. Her smile subconsciously waned.

Ivan also sensed the shift in the air, and as he turned and saw Brandon, his own smile gradually faded.

Brandon gave him a glance and then calmly walked toward Sophia.

"All done for the day?" he asked, his voice steady.

Sophia nodded, then turned to Ivan. "Ivan, maybe we should call it a day."

Ivan nodded, "Yeah."

He then packed up his notebook, stood up, and left.

As he passed by Brandon, he didn't stop or greet him, just walked straight out.

Brandon paid him no mind, just turned to Sophia. "Why so late today?"

"Got a bit of a backlog with the projects," Sophia whispered, looking at him, "You haven't headed back either."



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