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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 359

"Whoever starts this mess has got it coming." Brandon said, eyeing him, "Three times, 15% - not a penny short. It's all squared away. From now on, watch your own back."

"As for the branch office," Brandon glanced at the somewhat messy pile of documents on his desk, then back at him, "You two are getting on in years, not fit enough to shoulder the heavy workload anymore. As of today, you're stepping down from the company, and Kent will be taking full charge of the branch office."

"What gives you the right to do this?" Daniel was fuming, "I built that branch from scratch, and the Zenitha-style resort project was my brainchild, my push. How can you just strip that away?"

"Sure, you set up the company, but the Zenitha-style resort project was my blueprint from the get-go. It was just shelved at the head office waiting for the right time to launch. You just conveniently took it to the branch, a little wedding present for your wife; that's all." Brandon remained unfazed by his anger, looking straight at him, "But the project design was my team's work, and the final call was mine. Don't overestimate your role."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Daniel glanced toward the entrance and saw it was the HR manager; his face turned grim, "What's up?"

The HR manager felt a bit jittery under Daniel's glare, but with Brandon present, he couldn't afford to dilly-dally. He braced himself and handed over a document, "Chairman Crawley, here's your HR transfer order. Considering your health issues, the HR department has revoked your and Mrs. Crawley's positions as general managers of the branch. Please proceed to HR to complete your retirement procedures and head to finance for your salary settlement before the end of the day."

Daniel took one look at the document and ripped it up on the spot, "Get lost!"

The HR manager didn't dare scoot, instead, under pressure, he placed another notice on Daniel's desk, "This is a notice about the board of directors' reshuffle."

Daniel skimmed it and got the gist - he was booted off the board.

"Furthermore," The HR manager nervously placed another document on his desk, "this is a pre-notification of changes to the company's shareholders. The formal notice will be issued after the equity change is completed; please review it."

Daniel didn't need to look to know what it was; he was so angry he grabbed the paper to hurl at the HR manager, accompanied by a roar, "Get out!"

But the paper ball didn't hit the HR manager as Brandon caught it with an outstretched hand. He looked at Daniel calmly and said to the trembling HR manager behind him, "You can leave now."


After a meek response, the HR manager quickly exited the battleground. As he reached the door, Brandon nonchalantly instructed, "Email the entire company and notify all work groups about the HR dismissals and board reshuffle."

"Will do."

The HR manager acknowledged and hurried out, not forgetting to close the office door behind him.

Daniel was livid, pointing his finger at Brandon's nose and cursing, "You traitor, you'd go this far over some dame? Have you lost your mind?"

"I've given you chances." Brandon remained composed, extending his hand, "Hand over the phone."

Daniel instinctively guarded his phone, puzzled, "For what?"

"Feeling defiant, huh?" Brandon's voice was emotionless, "I'll make you accept it willingly."

Suddenly, he leaned in, swiftly snatching the phone from Daniel's palm.

Daniel reflexively reached out to grab it back, but Brandon blocked him, and with a swipe of the phone screen in front of his face, and the phone unlocked in an instant.

Brandon went straight to the phone's recording app, casually mentioning, "Forgot to tell you, I set up your phone to record all calls."

As he spoke, his fingers scrolled to a recording from the 17th this month - the call Daniel had made to Sophia.

Brandon tapped to play the recording.

"Hello?" Sophia's voice, gentle yet composed, flowed out of the phone.

Daniel's face changed, and he lunged to snatch the phone back. Brandon simply lifted his hand holding the phone, and Daniel's fingertips missed their target.

"This is Daniel," Daniel's arrogant voice also came through from the other end.

Daniel's expression darkened further, unable to snatch back the phone, he just glowered at Brandon.

Brandon watched him expressionlessly as the recording played out. There was Daniel's line, "Is that little girl yours and Brandon's child?". When hearing it, his demeanor flickered; his gaze at Daniel now had an edge.

Daniel's face showed signs of guilt, but he held his ground, locking eyes with Brandon, no longer struggling, letting the recording continue.

"Regardless of whether that child is Brandon's or not, our family won't recognize it. The Crawley family does not allow the existence of illegitimate children. Don't even dream of riding on your child's coattails. Since you're divorced, you should be irrelevant to each other. Brandon will marry, have his own family, his own children.

As long as I live, I won't let you or your daughter set foot in our house. Unless I'm dead, nobody can even think about it."

"Mr. Crawley. May I ask, why do you hate me so much?"


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