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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 366

"What did the doctor say?" Brandon cut her off, glanced at the still-lit operating room, and asked.

"They're still trying to save him." Marian whispered, "It doesn't look good."

Don couldn't help but shoot Brandon a worried look.

Brandon slowly turned his gaze towards the operating room without another word, his handsome face unreadable.

Patricia couldn't hold it together anymore, suddenly breaking down and grabbing Brandon's clothes, pounding on him, "What on earth did your dad ever do to you? Why are you pushing him to the edge over a woman?"

Everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes to Brandon, their looks tinged with reproach.

Brandon just stood there, letting her push and shove him, his Adam's apple bobbing violently.

Don and the others quickly stepped in to pull Patricia away.

Brandon finally looked at her, "Patricia, I'm really worried about my dad, but being the underdog doesn't always make you right. It's like, this girl was just living her life, not bothering anyone, and you took it upon yourselves to bully her for fun. And when you hit a snag and hurt yourselves, you turn around and blame her for not just taking it. That's not how the world works. Please don't try to muddy the waters."

Patricia was at a loss for words; all she could do was cry, her tears growing into deep sobs as she kept mumbling things like "I can't go on if something happens to your dad."

Everyone quickly moved in to comfort her.

An older relative couldn't help but softly urge Brandon, "Brandon, your mom's just worried sick about your dad, and she spoke out of turn. Cut her some slack, will ya?"

Brandon glanced at her but said nothing.

Patricia's crying slowly subsided with the others' consolation. The hallway was as silent as the grave. No one spoke, all anxiously waiting.

Daniel typically didn't stand out much, but he was always generous and kind to those he deemed part of his world, which was why he was pretty well-liked.

His snark was reserved only for those he looked down on.

Brandon also silently watched the closed doors of the operating room, his back lightly leaning against the wall, unmoving.

Don comforted him with a light pat on the shoulder, "Everything will be fine."

Brandon gave a slight nod but said nothing, rising to walk to the end of the corridor.

There was a window there. Brandon stood by the window, his back to everyone, his tall figure casting a forlorn silhouette against the light and shadows.

Everyone glanced at him, but no one dared to approach.

Don, worried, walked over and stood beside Brandon, turning to look at him, "You alright?"

Brandon nodded slightly, still silent.

Don had no idea what was going through Brandon's mind. His deep-set, handsome face was cast in an eerie silence he had never seen before.

Don didn't know if Brandon was feeling guilty or just worried, or something else entirely. He also had no clue what exactly Brandon had done to pressure Daniel, but from Marian and Patricia's conversation, it clearly involved Sophia.

Don felt a headache coming on; the whole situation was frustrating and exasperating. Not a clue of what kind of person Brandon’s father was, stubborn, acerbic, going his own way without listening to others’ kind advice, and would collapse for something cruel and direct he couldn’t handle.

He could somewhat understand why Brandon's granddad didn't want to deal with Daniel in the day.

Daniel was like a porcelain doll, couldn't take a hit or a scolding, didn't want to be coddled, so he was fated to be thrown out, leaving him taking care of himself on his own.

Back then, Daniel was the son, and he still had some regard for his dad, not daring to cross the line.

Now it was his turn to be the dad, and without much to show for it, he was still trying to hold onto that authoritative dad image.

"This has nothing to do with you." Don assured him with a pat on the shoulder, speaking softly, "You don't have to blame yourself."

Brandon's response was a barely perceptible nod.

"Don't tell Sophia about this," Brandon finally spoke after a long silence, his voice a bit hoarse.

Don nodded, "Yeah, don't worry."


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