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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 375

Kent hesitated with a glance, "Got a bit of a lead, but still double-checking."

"Spill it."

"In the past few days, only Chairman Crawley and Tom have been to the surveillance room. They went there on the 17th in the afternoon. Chairman Crawley said he needed to check something out. The on-duty security didn't dare stop him and let him in. At that time, the patrolling security just happened to come to discuss something with him, so Chairman Crawley told him to buzz off and deal with his stuff; then he chatted up the patrolling guy about work stuff right at the door. Chairman Crawley and Tom were in the surveillance room for over an hour, and when they left, the computer screens were back to business as usual, so he wasn't sure if that's when the footage got axed." Kent added softly, "I'm about to grill Tom for more info."

"Get him to the conference room!" Brandon said with a stone-cold face.

The sudden chill in his voice made Theresa, who was playing by herself, sneak a peek at Brandon.

She wasn't used to seeing this frosty side of Brandon. Her moves and expressions became extra cautious, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

Kent noticed, shot a concerned look at Theresa, and then nodded at Brandon, "Will do."

And with that, he quickly made an exit.

Brandon took a deep breath to soften his expression before leaning down to hug Theresa, whispering in her ear, "Daddy's just handling some work stuff; don't be scared, okay?"

Theresa hesitated but nodded, "Okay."

Brandon smiled and stroked her hair, saying gently, "Daddy's gotta head to a meeting now. Can you hang with Grace for a bit?"

Theresa nodded, "Alright."

After Brandon sent Theresa with Grace to the lounge, he and Kent headed to the conference room.

Right at the entrance, they bumped into Tom, who had rushed down.

He didn't know why Brandon wanted to see him, but getting summoned out of the blue, and seeing Brandon's tense face and chilly vibe, had him all jittery.

"Mr. Crawley," he greeted Brandon hesitantly, hurriedly pushing the conference room door open.

Brandon walked straight in without a word, which only cranked up Tom's nerves.

"Mr. Crawley, you needed me for something?" He asked anxiously, closing the door behind him.

Brandon turned to look at him, slowly starting, "On the afternoon of the 17th, you and Chairman Crawley went to the surveillance room and deleted the lobby's footage from noon that day."

Tom had no idea why Brandon suddenly brought this up. His face went pale, not daring to make a peep.

Brandon stared at him, "Tom, we won't need to get the cops involved, will we?"

"It was Chairman Crawley who deleted it." Tom blurted out with a ghastly face, "I was just on the lookout, making sure no one came close."

Brandon questioned, "Why did Chairman Crawley want to delete the footage?"

Tom shook his head, "I don't know. He didn't say."


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