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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 381


Sophia called out somewhat uncertainly, taken aback by the encounter. She hadn't expected to bump into Barbara here.

Barbara was her brother Aaron's better half.

Ever since Sophia split from the family over two years ago, she hadn't seen hide nor hair of Barbara or her niece, Betty, not even a message.

Barbara and Aaron were both six years older than Sophia, high school sweethearts since their sophomore year, while Sophia was just a sixth grader.

Their romance was on the down low, away from the prying eyes of their folks, so naturally, there were no family meet and greets.

Aaron was never one to roll out the welcome mat for Sophia, and didn't go out of his way to introduce her to Barbara.

It wasn't until Sophia's freshman spring semester in college that she got wind of Barbara's existence, right when college grads Aaron and Barbara made it official and tied the knot.

Sophia was MIA at their wedding. No invite came her way.

Later that year, when she headed home for the Christmas, Barbara had already whisked Aaron off to her folks' place, so their paths didn't cross.

In the following years, aside from few times during Christmas when Sophia went back to see her parents, her home visits were few and far between, what with the cool family vibes and the hustle of putting herself through college. So, running into Barbara was rare as hen's teeth.

It wasn't until Sophia graduated, married Brandon, and moved to West district that she and Barbara had a proper face-to-face. But since they hardly crossed paths and there was nothing much to chat about in private, they never bothered to connect. Family matters were just a shout away in the family chat group.

Over two years ago, after Sophia hit up Laura and Aaron to reclaim the cash they shook down from Brandon, Laura, in a fit of pique, booted her from the family group chat, and along with Aaron, they gave her the WhatsApp chop. Just like that, Sophia's ties with the fam were snipped.

Contact with Barbara fizzled out too.

Sophia never imagined she'd bump into Barbara like this.

Betty, now over four years old and nestled in Barbara's arms, hadn't laid eyes on Sophia in over two years and barely recognized her, staring with wide-eyed curiosity and confusion.

Theresa, too, gazed with her doe eyes, puzzled at the woman who affectionately called her mom by her first name.

Barbara, finally noticing the little one in her arms, turned to Sophia with a start, "And this is?"

Sophia was at a loss for words. She had kept mum about Theresa even to her own family, not even a peep to Haley.

It wasn't for fear of losing face for being a single mom. She simply dreaded the thought of them sniffing out that Theresa was a Crawley kid and using it to blackmail the Crawley family or stir up trouble.

That was right up Laura and Aaron's alley.

Seeing Sophia's reluctance, Barbara, a tad embarrassed, swiftly changed the subject with a chuckle, "When did you get back? It's been ages."

"Just came back over summer break."

Sophia replied, not sure if Aaron was lurking nearby. Keen to avoid a run-in, she quickly apologized to Barbara, "My friend's waiting inside for us, so we better head in. We'll catch up some other time."

"Sure thing." Barbara said with a parting smile, and then coaxed Betty, "Say bye-bye to Auntie."


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