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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 415

Ivan couldn't help but glance at the big screen, and the familiar design style made him frown a bit, then he turned to look at Sophia.

Sophia looked a bit tense, her eyes already shifting from the big screen to Marian on stage.

Marian seemed flustered, fumbling to hit the keyboard. But probably because she was so frazzled, she missed the keys and even managed to knock over the water bottle next to the computer.

It was a tiny move, but it still made the applause from the audience die down a bit, everyone looking at Marian with puzzled faces.

Martin was also puzzled by Marian's blunder, but considering all the eyes and cameras on him, he gave everyone a sheepish smile, turned to the side, and began pointing at the render on the big screen with a laser pointer, saying.

"Actually, we've been toying with the idea of building this manor for years, but just couldn't find the right designer for the job. Just so happens, my little sis came back from abroad this year after graduating from a top-notch architecture school. She was eager to show some love to my grandpa and grandma, so it was a match made in heaven. She took on the challenge of designing the vacation manor all by herself."

"I'd like to ask Ms. Barlow, what was your mindset when you designed this piece?"

Brandon's voice suddenly cut through the crowd, clear and strong, interrupting Martin's spiel.

Sophia looked over in surprise at the sound, only then noticing Brandon standing up in the crowd.

Brandon's handsome face was cool as ice, his gaze toward the stage sharp and piercing.

Theresa was still in his arms, her big beautiful eyes looking confusedly at the big screen, the more she looked, the more puzzled she became.

Louis was already thrown for a loop by Brandon's sudden move, quickly stood up and whispered to him, "Let's talk about this in private, the press are interviewing right now."

Brandon ignored him, his eyes still fixed intently on Marian, who was now pale, calling her out, "Ms. Barlow, is something the matter?"


Marian was stuttering, completely panicked and at a loss for words.

Martin's brows were almost twisted into a knot, about to signal someone to escort Brandon to the reception room, when Theresa, still puzzled, looked at Marian and blurted out, "That’s my mommy's, her drawing."

Afraid Marian might not hear her, Theresa raised her voice, her sweet little voice ringing out loud and clear in the now quiet hall, causing everyone to turn their heads toward her in confusion.

Theresa's attention was all on the painting on the big screen, her pretty face full of bewilderment.

She had no idea how her mom's lost painting ended up here.

Louis also furrowed his brow, thoughtfully glancing at Theresa, then at Brandon, and finally at Marian on stage.

Marian probably had never been in such a big predicament before and was utterly overwhelmed.

Louis had a hunch something was off and signaled to Martin to clear the room.

Brandon, noticing the shift in Martin's eyes, grew even colder, turned to go on stage, but as he turned, he saw Sophia standing by the side door, with Ivan standing next to her.

She was looking over at them, her expression somewhat startled.

Brandon gave her a glance, then looked behind her but didn't see Don.

The rest of Ivan's team also noticed Ivan and Sophia, and got up to wave them over.

Brandon's gaze paused at the nameplate in front of the man waving, which belonged to a representative of the Evert Group.

Next to him, two seats were conspicuously empty.


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