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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 444

Sophia kept mum.

How could it just vanish into thin air? After all, they were talking about his dad, not some random Joe.

They'd just reconnected with Theresa, so everything was still pretty fresh. It was true, she might not be all that invested right now.

But feelings changed over time, they faded. And when the honeymoon phase was over and life's little frustrations started to pile up, all those sacrifices became a thorn in one’s side, giving either of them sting every now and then.

"Brandon, forever's a long time. Let's not make promises about the future." Sophia said softly, stirring her soup with a spoon as she looked at Brandon, "When I first married you, I thought being with you was enough. I was truly happy, at least for a while. But I couldn't even make it two years. The daily grind can grind down anyone's passion. I've already..."

She trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging.

Her feelings for him just weren't strong enough anymore to blindly charge towards a tiger, knowing full well it was a tiger.

If she were still the person she was four years ago, filled to the brim with love and passion for him, she would've fearlessly faced any obstacle with him, endured any hardship for his sake.

But now, she just couldn't. Sophia felt really down about it.

These past few days, with Marian swiping her work and seeing him run himself ragged for her, standing by her without question, she was genuinely touched and thought about giving their relationship another shot.

But then seeing his dad laid up in the hospital bed over and over again because of their drama, turning Brandon into the villain of the piece, it just didn't seem worth it.

A marriage without blessings and acceptance was on borrowed time, especially if it might cost his dad his life.

The world didn't stop for anyone, and no relationship was worth another person's life.


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