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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 470

Sophia's lips quivered slightly, but she didn't speak a word.

Brandon didn't add anything else.

He finished his meal in no time.

"Go get changed, I'll wait for you downstairs," he told Sophia, who had also finished eating, as he casually cleared away their dishes.

Sophia gave a small nod.

After she changed her clothes and came downstairs, Brandon was already outside, car ready and waiting.

He popped open the passenger door as she approached.

Sophia pulled the door and hopped in.

"Theresa still out like a light?" he asked casually, as she buckled up.

Sophia nodded lightly, "Yeah, she's still snoozing."

Brandon nodded back, "She's been sleeping in late these days."

The engine roared to life.

"She always does this when it's chilly. Likes to catch some extra Z's in the morning," Sophia added softly, "And she's still little, so I don't fuss over it much. Let her sleep as long as she wants."

Brandon nodded again.

The ride was filled with light, parent-like chatter about kid stuff, a stark contrast to the silence that had hung between them just a few days ago. The air was definitely lighter now.

Kids really are the ultimate ice-breakers in a relationship.

As for the whole lovey-dovey stuff, the Yolanda drama, and thinking about the future – they didn't touch on any of that again.

It seemed that coexisting for the sake of Theresa wasn't such a bad deal, as long as the Crawleys weren't stirring the pot and her family kept out of it.

Sophia was just left with a tinge of regret, that's all.


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