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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 478

There seemed to be something lingering in the silence.

Brandon's deep eyes were fixed on her, unflinching. The intensity in his gaze made even Sophia's smile feel awkward and cramped.

"So, if you're all good," she hesitated before breaking the silence, gesturing vaguely behind her, "I'll just be on my way then."

Brandon didn't respond, his eyes still locked on her. Sophia managed a tight-lipped smile in a polite attempt to say goodbye, and just as she was about to turn and leave, her arm was suddenly caught.

"I've got some paperwork to sort out, could use your help," Brandon said.

Sophia turned back to look at him, uncertain.

"These documents are proposals needing approval from various branches and departments. They've been piling up because of how busy work's been. I need to get through them all tonight." Brandon explained, "I'm swamped."

Sophia's gaze shifted to the mountain of papers behind him, then back to his face. She could barely make out a hint of fatigue on his handsome features, and finally nodded gently in response to that weariness.


Just like always, he thanked her. Sophia's lips curved upwards, barely, in response.

Brandon handed her a small stack of papers, "Give these a preliminary look. If you think they're worth agreeing to, put them on the left side. If not, the right."

Sophia glanced down at the hefty stack in his hands, "I'm not that familiar with the company's operations."

"It's fine." Brandon said, "Just use your experience and common sense to judge."


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