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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 471

The set was a treasure trove of props, each one an imposing figure of bulk and weight. A disaster waiting to happen if one were to topple over, especially if it landed on someone. The potential for chaos was palpable.

Stirling's value, both in terms of his ties to the illustrious Schnabel family and his own fame as a leading man, was astronomical. The mere thought of him getting injured on set could send shivers down the spine of the production team. The backlash from his fans alone could be enough to shut everything down.

And there he was, not just in danger himself but cradling a child in his arms!

In a swift, protective move, Stirling rolled away with little Shiba, covering the child with his own body. They ended up covered in dirt and dust, and Stirling's arm bore the brunt of the escape, scraped raw by the edge of a steel prop.

"Stirling, are you alright?"

"Stirling's hurt! Someone, call an ambulance!"

Shaking his head, Stirling dismissed the idea. "No need for an ambulance. Just grab the first-aid kit."

It was just a flesh wound, after all. He wasn't about to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The prop team was in disarray.

Yasbel, eyebrows furrowed in concern, questioned, "How did that prop even fall? It wasn't exactly a featherweight."

The team suggested, somewhat unconvincingly, "Maybe it was the wind?"

"Blaming it on the wind? You really think nature's at play here, or do you think I'm naive?"

Stirling was lost. "What are you getting at?"

"It seems you've lost your senses," Yasbel chided, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, which was quite the feat given the circumstances.

But one didn't need to be a genius to realize this wasn't an act of God. This was sabotage.

As Yasbel inspected the first-aid kit, the prop team was sweating buckets.

"Yasbel, the first-aid kit is safe, I assure you..."

Their assurances fell flat when Yasbel pulled a needle from a supposed sterile cotton swab. The room fell silent. The implications were terrifying. Had they used it on Stirling, they would've been dealing with more than just a hospital visit.

Yasbel's icy tone cut through the tension. "Check the cameras. Unless you can prove your innocence, you might find yourselves enjoying the local jail's 'exquisite' tea selection."

Was jail really a place to critique tea?

Regardless of the quality, they weren't keen on finding out.

Nolan gestured towards their trailer. "Let's head to our place. It's safe there."

Inside Yasbel's trailer, Stirling finally shed his coat and shirt, revealing the wound still oozing blood.

"Lucky it was stainless steel," Yasbel commented as she disinfected the cut, "or you'd be up for a tetanus shot."

"I'm not a kid. It's just a shot," Stirling retorted, his bravado faltering as the alcohol hit his wound, making him wince in pain.

Yasbel teased, "Thought you could handle it?"

Stirling was at a loss for words, silently enduring as Yasbel finished bandaging him up, even adding a butterfly knot for effect.

Nolan exchanged a knowing look with Yasbel. "The prop team tampered with the equipment, but it's minor. Thankfully, no one's hurt. Yasbel's got it under control."

Stirling knew it was Yasbel's quick thinking that saved him from a worse fate.


"Don't mention it. It was nothing."


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