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The King Alpha’s Mate novel Chapter 1

"Good morning Alpha!

Jack is quickly greeted by his house cook when he arrives at the dining table to join his pack of six wolves including Matias for the usual breakfast. The cook was standing beside the long dining table,she never eats until all seven of them finished. That's a habit that Jack doesn't mind at all,as long as she make the meals good.

"Good morning". He murmured before accepting the chair that is being pulled out for him by his Beta.

The men carry on with their breakfast after briefly greeting him. And he just replied by a slow nod of his head as recognition. At the corner of his eyes he can see their every move. The wolves seemed to act a little bit comfortable in his presence now,after weeks of living together.

"Alpha, are you going to the Diner today?

The biggest diner in Saint Augustine was bought by Alpha Prince Jack in order to blend in with the locals. It's been two months of living in the quiet town and still he's in no luck of finding her. His human mate.

Gemer an eighteen year old wolf sitting on his right side across Beta Matias had asked that question.Jack took the ham and eggs with a toasted bread on his plate before giving the young wolf his answer.

"No, i am going to the nearby city for a stroll".

"Hmmm ok,well Alpha i was just wondering..if you have uhm."

Gemer hesitated.

And after a few seconds Beta Matias cleared his throat and completed the question.

"What he means Alpha is if you have meet the new cashier in our Diner? She's the new girl i told you about the other day. Her name is Carmela".

"Eighteen year old,about five foot three,dark hair and green eyes. Gemer took a liking to this girl so he wants to know if you have met her to confirm if she isn't your mate".

Gemer almost choke in his cup while listening to Beta Matias. It was quiet clear to all of them that their priority in this town is to find their Alpha's mate that's why he just wanted to make sure.

Alpha Jack arched one brow and turned his head towards Gemer. The poor young man looked down on the table as if guilty of something.He couldn't have a mate as young as eighteen could he? Jack doubted the thought.But Maleficus didn't mention the age of his human mate and for a human's eyes his age is around twenty eight years old,that's a decade older if his mate is eighteen.

"I will visit the Diner later in the evening. Gemer,don't do anything stupid if the girl is not your mate then leave her alone I don't want any issues in the diner. Specially with humans,they are being protected by the hunters.You guys know the drill".

The hunters are a group of humans armed with guns and silver bullets who hunts down wolves that does not respect the law of the land.Meaning wolves who doesn't join in a pack and drinks human blood.It is forbidden to hurt humans as well as humans are forbid to hurt the wolves. A peace treaty has been made in order for the groups to co exist.

"I'm sorry Alpha".

Gemer looked apologetic.He would never do anything stupid to anger his Alpha as the future king of the Royal Pack. He has so much respect towards him.

Jack took a sip of his freshly brewed black coffee that the old cook poured in his cup. He didn't say a word until the breakfast is over.

*Carmela's POV

It's my second week at the biggest diner in town called "Jack's Diner". Today was an ordinary day,as usual work is the same.An eight hour shift had compensated for the money i am getting paid off.I don't know what the people love about this place that have them keep coming back. The menu is similar with other restaurants but only this place is busy all the time.

I glanced at the big wall clock facing me from the right side of the counter. It strikes at ten o'clock in the evening. I let out a heavy sigh,thanks God!two hours more and it will be over. The Diner closed at twelve.

"Hey pretty girl! How are you doing tonight?

Gemer,the tall and well built young man with blond hair who works as one of the waiter's at the diner caught my attention. He is smiling at me,flashing his perfectly set of white teeth as he bends down a little to put his right elbow on the counter.

"Hi Gemer! I'm good,how about you?

I answered casually,i know this one had his eyes on me since the day i started working at this diner. But I don't seem to like him in the same way. He is a good looking young man and about my age but my priorities does not include looking out for a boyfriend right now. I'm saving for college and that is my focus for working in this summer break.

"Oh,i feel great now that i see you. By the way,can i take you home tonight?


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