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THE LAST ALPHA novel Chapter 8

I got up from the bed earlier than usual because I did not sleep for the entire night. Somehow, I feel bad for behaving rudely with that girl, but she is clingy and I hate such people.

Why she acted like she knew me well, just like a wife. I never want a girl like her as my wife.

It blows away my head, and the pain is excruciating to my entire face. Today is going to be one of a terrible day.

I was not very hungry, so I skipped my breakfast and headed to the college after informing my parents. There is an uneasiness lingering near my heart, I can't explain what kind of vibes are there but something is going to happen, better or worse, well the time will tell us.

As soon as i entered the college, i noticed Cooper and a bunch of asses group of his friends staring deadly at me. I am in no mood to deal with them so i keep my head low and ignore them like the plague.

Their gazes burned my back, but I dare not to look around. I enter the class and a smile erupts on my face to see my friends.

“Hey!” I greet them.

“Hey!” They greet me in unison.

“What’s up?” Martha asked with a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

“What’s with the look?” I blurted it out.

“Oh! We thought you would be entering the class with your girlfriend.” Ben states and his words pinned me like an arrow.

“She is not my girlfriend.” I shrug and put my bag on the desk.

“Then why she risked herself and beat the pulp out of the cooper?” Martha asks in disbelief.

“I don’t know!” i don’t want to answer, more I don’t want to talk about her.

Everything is so contrived. I exhaled deeply and ignored the rest of the words from her. Soon I notice Cooper and his gang walking inside the class, but what made my blood boil is to see Fiarra hanging around him like she is him’s.

A low growl escaped from my lips, and suddenly, everyone’s attention was on me. Did I just growled like an animal?

“What was that?” Ben started, terrified.

I noticed Cooper getting hesitant too, but it’s Fiarra who made him sit on the desk, just two rows in front of me. She has a purpose to throw this stunt, but why the hell do I care? I don’t even know her, but then again; she told me her biggest secret. No one does that easily until they trust someone. Does she trust me?

What game are you playing, wolfie?

“And after the class, you and I are going on a date, I have a plan for us.” i heard them talking and I Can feel my intact body heating up.

Why is it affecting me? Why am I feeling jealous?

“I think I just predicted everything way too soon. Yesterday, she was hitting on that geek and now she is in the arms of the popular guys of the college.” one student behind me commented.

“No wonder why girls are greedy for fame and popularity. Another hoe in the college!” another one stated and i lost control over my temper.

Honestly, I don't even know how I got this strength, but I stood up and threw the damn desk over them. Luckily, they dodge it on time.

“What’s wrong with you, mikkelsen?” the crowd shouted on me.

I lashed at them with eyes burning in rage. They are focused on one person, Fiarra.

“You!!!!” I howled and attacked her, but Martha hold me back.

“Onyx, she is a girl!” She reminded me and i regained my consciousness.

I observed my surroundings, and everyone seems to be halted and terrified from my act. Every eye spoke fear except ones, hers.

Martha dragged me out of the class before I lost my control and attempted something that I will regret later.



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