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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 1

"Why should I step down? The Sanctum of Mystical Scrolls selection is open to all common Protégés of the Cobalt Strike Guild, and that includes me!" Alavin stood defiantly on the raised platform, confronting the beautiful, haughty female Elder before him. But his resolve was met with her indifferent gaze and the scattered snickers from the crowd below.

"Save yourself the embarrassment and step aside," Elder Jaslin commanded coldly for the third time.

"I accept the first round of trials! Elder Jaslin, if you may?" Alavin didn't care about the stares from the crowd; he held his head high with pride.

"Foolish boy!" Elder Jaslin scoffed. Her hand rose as an overwhelming aura of energy enveloped Alavin. Like a hundred-pound boulder falling from the heavens, it crashed down upon him with a heavy thud.

Alavin grunted, bracing against the force, unmoving at the center of the platform. He glanced at the candle burner nearby; if he could withstand this for the duration it would take to burn half a candle stick, he would pass the first trial and then join the subsequent challenge to compete for one of the thirty coveted spots in the Sanctum of Mystical Scrolls.

Elder Jaslin’ face remained expressionless as she increased the pressure of her aura, layering it until it reached the force of three hundred pounds. Alavin clenched his teeth, resisting stubbornly, still not budging an inch. The sneers from below slowly turned into gasps of surprise. Was he actually withstanding it?

Elder Jaslin watched Alavin with detachment as her aura grew ever stronger, like a series of giant stones continuously pounding down on him.

Three hundred pounds? Four hundred? Five hundred? Six hundred...

Alavin stood firm and defiant under strain. His eyes locked on the Elder before him. But when the weight reached eight hundred pounds, his body began to tremble, his eyes reddened, and a crimson trickle of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth.

"What is fate? This is your fate," Elder Jaslin said with disdain, ready to put an end to this farce.


"My destiny is not for you to dictate." A brilliant flow of energy burst forth from within Alavin, sending dust swirling at his feet. His legs trembled, his body shook, and as the energy surged, arcs of lightning suddenly sparked across his body.

"Magic manifestations?" The crowd erupted in shock, hands covering their mouths in astonishment.

"Magic manifestations, and the tempering of spirit into might. Has he truly broken through the rank of Apprentice?"

"Was that lightning? His magic can manifest as lightning?"

"Well done, lad, you’re truly an exceptional talent!"


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