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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 161

The Stone Ridge was already teeming with people, as thousands of citizens gathered among the crags and hills.

Noble houses from old lineages each claimed their spots, while common folk huddled together, and many powerful mages also came to watch the battle.

The Stone Ridge spread over a hundred miles, with a multitude of peaks and valleys in a barren land devoid of green trees and streams. Due to its unique environment, it was often chosen as the final battleground for The Clash of Eight Orders.

The air was filled with the clamor of voices and a mix of opinions as many grew impatient for the event to start.

Within the depths of the crowd, spies from the Five Great Houses were present, tasked with assessing the strength and potential of the top ten Protégés and meticulously recording the final five to relay the information back to their respective Houses posthaste.

When people from the Eight Orders arrived, cheer upon cheer echoed through the mountains as thousands strained to catch a glimpse of them.

The old lord took to the stage to introduce the top ten Protégés of The Clash of Eight Orders without any superfluous words, simply declaring, "First match, Novice Mage Protégé duel!"

Alavin was the first to step forward towards the hundred-meter-tall Stone Peak. "Cobalt Strike, Alavin, calls for battle!"

"He's the first to get on to the stage again; that lad has got guts."

"He's reached Stage IX; he might have a chance at the top five."

"He has to be this tournament's brightest star, right?"

"Jackar! Go! Alavin's a newly ascended Stage IX Protégé; his state must be unstable."

"Jevan, don't bring disgrace upon the Bloodlore. Crush Alavin. As a prodigy of Bloodlore, are you afraid to face a servant of Cobalt Strike?"

Various Protégés from the organizations discussed among themselves, some laughing and urging Jackar and Jevan on. Neither was keen on facing Alavin, but the atmosphere was fervent, and with pride at stake, they both clenched their teeth and prepared to take the stage.

"Wait!" Both Organizations’ Protégés held them back simultaneously.

"What is it?"

"Look there."

From the ranks of Cobalt Strike, Cedrick strode forward and ascended the Stone Peak. "Cobalt Strike, Cedrick, accepts the challenge!"

"Hmm?" The five Elders of Cobalt Strike were taken aback. Why had Cedrick gone up?


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