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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 21

A merry band of over a hundred souls left the fortress of Cobalt Strike. Their laughter and chatter faded into the depths of the Cloudveil Woods.

Ancient trees reached skyward, their thick trunks and wildly tangled branches creating a domain of shadow and peril. Venomous serpents lay in wait, and wild beasts roamed; the woods were fraught with danger.

The forest was as old as the world itself, its ancient aura palpable.

The tribe moved slowly through the dense woodland, the ground blanketed with decaying leaves and the low-hanging branches brushing against their shoulders. In the cluttered corners, the occasional skeletal remains of beasts could be spied.

Alavin, burdened with an iron bucket heavy enough to be the weight of the world, brought up the rear, ever vigilant of the damp and dense woodlands. While others may have had many forays into the forest, this was his first venture beyond Cobalt Strike in eight years, and he was utterly unaware of what lay beyond.

A black bear, huffing and puffing, ambled by the edge of the trees, casting a cold glance at their company. With a snarl, it revealed its nature as a Magi-Monster, the air around it seemed to tremble as pebbles rose from the ground to orbit its formidable form. Its aura was strong and potent.

The herb-gathering party paid the bear no heed. After all, what was there to fear with their numbers?

But Alavin was not so carefree; his right hand subtly gripped the throwing knives at his belt, his senses on high alert.

The bear did not attack but watched them depart before lumbering back into the woods.

The mountain path was uneven, roots intertwined like a puzzle. The other Protégés moved with ease, often leaping into the treetops to show off to the girls or chasing after a Magi-Monster to display their prowess. Alavin moved cautiously under his heavy burden, yet he felt neither frustration nor irritation. He walked steadily, breathing evenly. His back remained straight, treating the weighty journey as a test of endurance.

After three days, the herb-gathering company ventured deeper into the forest, arriving at the peak of a towering mountain a thousand meters tall.

"This peak is unique, resembling the outstretched wings of a black eagle. We use it as a landmark for these parts. We shall reconvene here in a fortnight.

"Alavin, distribute the tools from the bucket to the groups, and then wait here. Don't wander off, or your life will be on your own head if lost.

"The woods are treacherous. Tread carefully and try not to provoke the Magi-Monsters.

"Remember, reconvene in a fortnight. Do not tarry too long."

The party split into fifteen groups, each consisting of one or two Protégés from the Botanic Haven and four or five people as their guardian, balanced according to their strengths.

The herb-gathering teams would disperse into different parts of the mountain range in search of Elixir Herbs.

Alavin set down the bucket, taking out all the tools and provisions.

"Alavin, just stay put on this peak, and don't you dare wander off." Nysah winked at him, her lips a fiery red, and her presence bewitching.

"Stay here! I don't want to be held accountable for your demise," a Botanic Haven Protégé reminded him coldly.


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