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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 241


Lucan handed the Immortal Edge to Alavin. “After the ancient sword was awakened, it burst forth from the stronghold, unleashing a mighty sword's energy high above, casting eighteen vast apparitions across the city.”

“The apparitions were like statues, emitting a tremendous sound, desolate and grand, shrouded in mystery.” Godfred had never witnessed such a spectacle. The moment the ancient sword was roused, every citizen within the city felt a shock, an odd compulsion to kneel in veneration.

Grima was curious and asked, “Lord Alavin, what secrets does this ancient sword hold?”

“It is called the Immortal Edge.” Alavin gripped the hilt tightly, raising it towards the heavens. The blade was ancient and heavy, and even with Alavin's strength, it felt burdensome.

Lucan felt his Lord Alavin becoming more enigmatic by the day. How did he come to understand this blade, and how did he possess its ‘Engage’ and ‘Withdraw’ chants?

Godfred inquired, “What do we do next?”

“From this day forth, you guard Stormcast. Let the Golden Scorch investigate as they please, but we must never confess to taking the ancient sword.”

“What if the Golden Scorch launches a direct attack? They must be in dread right now; even a cornered dog will leap over a wall.”

“They won’t, not until the whereabouts of the ancient sword are confirmed. They won't bite rashly.”

“Lord Alavin, are you certain that the events at Golden Scorch will alarm Cobalt Strike?”

“Send some men to spread rumors, make the affair big enough that Cobalt Strike can't help but notice.”

Alavin believed that once Cobalt Strike started their investigation, they would surely connect it to the Immortal Edge. Then, Cobalt Strike's wrath would befall the Golden Scorch, bringing ruin to the Rocke family!


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