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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 254

"So, you mean the Chained Spirit found an accomplice?"

"It seems so."

"Who could it be?" The two Elders pondered, then suddenly exclaimed in unison, "The Mallister family?"

The Grand Elder was silent; he had long suspected Alavin's involvement with the missing Chained Spirit from Botanic Haven. Why had Alavin's power surged so abruptly, and why had Mariela grown close to Alavin? If the Chained Spirit had indeed vanished, why weren't the Commander and the Elders of Botanic Haven more desperate in their search? Yet, considering Alavin's hatred for Cobalt Strike and the Chained Spirit's grudge, he didn't believe the Commander would accept any connection between Alavin and the Chained Spirit.

The two Elders thought again and then shook their heads. "It's unlikely to be Alavin. Their foundation is unstable, and they're barely managing their own defense, let alone provoking the Rocke family."

Two days later, the results of Lawren's investigation returned... with no leads! The bounties offered yielded no substantial feedback.

The Grand Elder made good on his word, executing a group every two days, carrying out the sentences before all the people of the stronghold.

However, on this day, news from Watchful Shore finally burst through the Cloudveil Woods and spread to the many ancient cities adjacent to the forest.

"A mysterious ancient kingdom has appeared at Watchful Shore, lying silent at the ocean's depths."

"It is a kingdom that was sealed for eons. The secret that Cobalt Strike has been investigating for decades."

"Someone has shattered the seal, opening the gates to the eternal kingdom."

The sea realms were abuzz. A massive convergence of sea beasts headed toward the ancient kingdom was underway.



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