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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 261

Fifteen leagues out, the sea was less tumultuous, the raging waves somewhat gentler, and the skies above less laden with dark clouds.

"Dive! Search down along the cliff!" Chained Spirit reminded Alavin.

Alavin leaped from the precipice, activating his energy shield, and crashed into the churning waters, sinking rapidly.

Soon after, Mariela, Cedrick, Eyla, and others arrived in quick succession, plunging into the sea. Roald and other Cobalt Strike Protégés, along with a number of mercenaries, spread out nearby and jumped into the water one after another.

Three to four hundred meters below the surface, the sea cliff extended into an undersea base, forming an array of black monoliths like a range of giant mountains.

Deep within the jagged base, the silhouette of a section of the mountain resembled a spread-winged black eagle, and beneath the eagle was a black void. Upon closer inspection, the void looked to be freshly collapsed, surrounded by various fissures, with silent stones still tumbling down. Faint light and shadows flickered within the black void.

The Chained Spirit spoke, "This is the place! The Kings were badly wounded and will have a brief period of weakness. Once they recover, they will take control of the entire ancient tomb. The cave will seal shut, and the tomb will move to deeper parts of the ocean floor."

Without hesitation, Alavin, brandishing the Dawnedge Blade, barged into the black void.

Before long, Mariela, Cedrick, and Eyla arrived at the entrance of the cavern.

What place was this? Could the true kingdom's treasure be here?

They were stunned, not by the thought of treasure, but by Alavin's audacity, which made a mockery of mighty warriors far and wide. If any of those warriors found out, they would not let him off lightly.

He’s a madman, a complete and utter madman.

"Eh? What's that place over there. It seems to be glowing." Many Cobalt Strike Protégés noticed this spot.

"Who cares! Atlantis is not far ahead. Hurry, no dawdling." The Cobalt Strike Protégés rushed forward impatiently, with many more mercenaries behind them. If they did not get there first and snatch the treasure, regret would be an understatement.

Roald lingered underwater for a while before suddenly turning and swimming toward the cavern. Adirich, Admus, Gwenda, and a few others followed suit.

Alavin swam deeper into the cavern for hundreds of meters until a barrier appeared, blocking his path. The barrier resembled undulating ripples of water, gently floating in the void.

"Should we go in?"

"We have to go inside."


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