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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 280

The Grand Elder stood, gazing into the night sky over Cobalt Strike, and spoke solemnly, "Set out at once, negotiate thoroughly, and show no weakness. And see to it that neither the Commander nor the Botanic Haven Elder learns of this. We must be cautious."

"By your command!" The three Elders quickly departed.

The Grand Elder remained silent for a long while before slowly clenching his fist. "You've forced my hand. Don't blame me. The ancient treasures of a millennium-old kingdom will be mine!"


Six days later, Alavin returned to Stormcast. The town was abuzz with activity, as all its citizens worked tirelessly to rebuild the walls. Strangely, the outskirts were crowded with many caravans, and some appeared to be families fleeing in haste, throngs of them numbering in the thousands.

"Lord Alavin! You've come back!" Lucan approached Alavin, exhaling in relief, yet casting a curious glance at Eyla, wondering why another woman of such beauty and grace, comparable to Lady Mariela, was in his company.

"What's all this? Where did this person people come from?"

"The Golden Scorch keep was slaughtered, and now the entire city of Golden Scorch is in exile."

"When did this happen?"

"About a week after you left. It's said that the Cobalt Strike Grand Elder led the attack on Golden Scorch himself. Two days later, he ordered the massacre of everyone in the keep. If it weren't for the incident at Watchful Shore that demanded their hasty departure, the Grand Elder might have razed the entire city. The people of Golden Scorch are terrified that the Cobalt Strike might return to finish what they started. Within three days, all who could leave, did, leaving behind a ghost town. However, it's rumored that the Lord of Golden Scorch, Lawren, has escaped, and his whereabouts are unknown."

"The Grand Elder is ruthless, fond of slaughter," Alavin sneered. The Rocke family's demise was well-deserved, and he had anticipated that the Cobalt Strike would not spare them. With their hand, Alavin felt a measure of satisfaction in his vengeance. If it weren't for the current inconvenience, he would have preferred to be the one wielding the blade.

"We're considering whether to take in these people," Lucan confessed, troubled, as Stormcast could barely protect itself, let alone others.

"Settle them in the outer city. They must contribute a portion of their wealth to the ancient city's reconstruction."

Lucan pondered for a moment: "That might work. Not many are heading to Stormcast, and most are fleeing to other ancient cities."

"Let’s focus on rebuilding the walls first, so we can all sleep soundly."

"Alavin!" Oda, who had heard the news, came out joyfully and threw herself into Alavin's arms. "I was so worried."

"I'm fine, as you see." Alavin affectionately teased her little nose, the sight of his sister easing his heart and sweeping away the fatigue of the road.


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