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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 335

The following morning, Alavin departed from the stronghold of Cobalt Strike.

Celesse couldn't follow him, for Hamund had received a precious treasure from the Commander, an artifact obtained from the royal palace of Atlantis, perfectly suited for Celesse.

Despite Hamund's stoic nature, he was exceedingly strict with his sole Protégé, Celesse. Especially now, as Celesse had just ascended to Stage III, it was crucial for her to solidify her newfound powers, and he didn't want her distracted by Alavin.

Celesse, not wishing to defy her mentor, agreed to visit Stormcast in a few days' time.

With Alavin gone, the other Protégés of Cobalt Strike breathed a collective sigh of relief. His presence for even a day brought a strange tension to the Organization, and one could never predict when turmoil might erupt. Now that he was gone, peace would return to Cobalt Strike.

Roald and the others felt a noticeable ease, but none showed their faces outside; instead, they converted their embarrassment into motivation, and trained with fervor. They all harbored a burning desire to one day defeat Alavin.

However, after Alavin left, a message echoed from the Sanctum of Mystical Scrolls. He had broken through! Advanced Mage Stage II!

Painful groans could be heard throughout the stronghold. Another breakthrough! Even with potions, such speed seemed unnatural.

This news was yet another spur for the prideful Protégés. Some Elders lamented that at this rate, Alavin's rise to power would come sooner than they had anticipated.

In the deep of night, when all was still.

The Commander of Cobalt Strike was in seclusion within his Mystical Grotto.

He had acquired three treasures from the palace of Atlantis. One he had gifted to Hamund to pass to Celesse, one remained in the vault, and one he kept for himself.

It was an exquisite Relic, its millennia-old radiance undimmed, wrapped in layers of rainbow light, dazzling and mysterious, with the sound of thunder faintly emanating from within.

The Commander had been contemplating it for some time, hoping for inspiration. With some luck, he might even break through his current limits.

"Commander." The Grand Elder approached the Sacred Territory's chamber, bowing as was customary.

"What is it?" The Commander asked indifferently, his consciousness withdrawing from the Relic and summoning layers of energy to momentarily suppress it.

The Grand Elder waved his hand, casting a barrier in the Mystical Grotto to isolate the inside from the outside. "I seek your counsel on a matter."


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