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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 370

A mage at the peak of Master Mage level, with a dark countenance and boiling with dark energy, charged recklessly like a berserk bear, destroying all buildings in his path—tanverns, inns, and homes—all reduced to rubble.

Some Mages cried out wildly, unleashing torrential floods that rampaged through crowded streets, submerging homes and collapsing towers. Others spewed flames tens of meters long, like thick serpents of fire that laid waste to the city. Some mages laughed maniacally released pitch-black poison, spreading it with fierce winds in all directions. The poison of his was a manifestation of magic, utterly terrifying. Nearby, some civilians hid in low buildings, only to be engulfed by the poison. They corroded instantly into charred remains without a chance for a scream.

"Ha-ha, to the slaughter, to the slaughter!"

They howled wantonly, and a burly man stomped the ground fiercely, sending seismic waves deep into the earth that triggered fractures and created an earthquake. The rumbling spread over kilometers of the city. As the ground cracked open, dust clouds billowed, and many structures were mercilessly swallowed.

Inside the city, over two hundred thousand citizens huddled together, trembling with fear, too afraid to listen to the distant roars and cries. Children wept, women prayed, and despair and terror reigned.

The skies above roared with ferocity, and Neasilis and his allies swiftly razed the outer city before descending upon the inner sanctum.

"House Mallister! Surrender Alavin, or we will lay waste to your entire city."

"Where is Alavin? Will you stand idly by and watch your people die for you? Come out and face us!"

"You cannot hold the Kings' Acceptance. Hand it over!"

They smashed through the four great gates of the inner city, storming in from all directions. Their actions were even more ruthless. Powerful Combat Magic was unleashed without restraint. Some conjured chilling tides, encasing the streets in ice. Others summoned blazing infernos, setting buildings aflame, and yet others ruptured the earth, sending stones flying chaotically, and deliberately causing destruction as they converged toward the city's heart.


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