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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 372

“There!” Neasilis was the first to snap out of it and spotted the strange youth amidst the crowd from hundreds of meters away.

The boy slowly stood up, his expression blank. Save for the bloodied spine he held in his hand, nothing else seemed amiss.

“Who is he?” Neasilis felt a mysterious threat emanating from the boy, both real and intense.

“Did he slay those five mages?” whispered a member of Cobalt Strike, deeply alarmed. Such powerful Mages were dead just like that? Their ends were so sudden and horrific.

“Daman is here. Who dares intrude upon Stormcast.”

A roar thundered from a distance, booming like a torrential flood through the streets, drawing the attention of all those who had breached the inner city.

“Hah, taste the wrath of my hammer!”

From ten streets away, Daman descended like a comet, swinging a massive golden hammer down onto the street. The impact of the golden hammer against the stone sent a violent shockwave blasting outward. The ground cracked like a spiderweb for hundreds of meters. With the force of Daman's blow, the ground shattered entirely within that radius, dust and debris swirling in all directions.

At the end of the street, a dozen Amber Valley assassins hastily retreated, avoiding the tumultuous shockwave.

“Hah... to arms!” Daman, like a wild beast, charged forward, breaking out from the dust cloud with each step pounding deep into the stony ground, the sound thunderous. Despite his bulky frame, his speed was astonishing. Before the debris had even settled, he emerged from the cloud of dust, confronting the assassins.


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