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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 390

The wilderness fell eerily silent as everyone turned pale with shock. A cold shiver ran from their feet up their spines to the back of their heads.

Had he been devoured?

Had the titan consumed the Skyborne Rivers Commander?

Many clasped their mouths, their eyes flickering with a mix of excitement and fear.

The Commander of the Stellar Precepts and the Blessed Citadel's Elders felt a chill run down their spines. The Commander of the Skyborne Rivers was greatly weakened, but could he really have been devoured? What sort of power did these stone kings possess? They looked incredulously at Alavin, wondering what he intended to do. Was he planning to massacre the chieftains of the Northlands?

There stood Alavin atop the uplifted hand of a stone king, a cruel smile playing on his lips and a ruthless glint in his eyes.

As the three titanic stone kings marched towards them, the Commander of the Stellar Precepts hesitated no longer and retreated as if possessed by madness, casting aside the dignity of the Northlands' mightiest warrior. The Elders of the Blessed Citadel were even less concerned with their citadel's solemnity; they fled in sheer panic! Clearly, Alavin sought to establish his dominance. If he had already slain the Commander of the Skyborne Rivers and Lord Viperbane, what wouldn't he dare do?

With a wave of his hand towards the east, two more stone giants rose into the air and charged towards the eastern battlefield.

"Bloody ruthless," Banneth gasped, quickly calling out to Alavin, "We're with you! Guard your stone kings, and spare your allies!"

The two stone giants soared overhead, casting vast shadows as they pursued the Commander of the Stellar Precepts and his companions.

"Alavin, do you seek to make enemies of the Northlands?" the Stellar Precepts Commander roared, never before having felt such disgrace. But his strength was greatly diminished, not even half of what it was at his peak. And even at full strength, he wouldn't dare to withstand these stone kings head-on. He could not fathom the extent of their power.

Watching the stone kings wildly chase down the nobles and the various Organization Commanders, the mighty warriors scattered across the wilderness felt a sense of unreality, cursing inwardly. No wonder The Clash of Eight Orders had bestowed upon Alavin the title of Shadowlord's Messenger—this man had a ruthless streak, especially when his power surged to madness.

"Who wants to seek my Kings' Acceptance!"


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