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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 1058

Crystal's POV:

I took a casual walk around the city. As I did, I asked several passersby and found out that none of them knew anything about the arrival of the lycan king.

I headed to the residence of the Alpha, where I came across a male wolf garbed in a soldier's uniform. I stopped him and asked. "Is the Alpha's residence around here?"

"Yes," the soldier answered cautiously as he looked me up and down. "Are you not a naive here?"

"That's right. I'm from the imperial capital, and I'm here for a tour." I gave him a warm smile before leaning close and whispering, "I heard that the lycan king has come to your pack."

The soldier flinched and stepped back as though I had hit him. "Who told you that?" he demanded. "The lycan king is not here."

"So, he didn't come?" I frowned, confused by the whole situation. Where on earth would Rufus go? Had they lost contact with him before he had even arrived at this place? But there were many other things that didn't make any sense. The pack seemed peaceful, and didn't look like it had been attacked recently. There must be something wrong with the information that was passed on.

In any case, I now had the opportunity to meet up with this pack's Alpha first.

"I want to see your Alpha."

I told the soldier that I was a royal emissary, but he did not believe me. He asked to see my credentials.

I didn't have any, of course, so I tried to talk my way into convincing him. Alas, this only made the soldier grow more suspicious of me.

"Didn't you say you were here for a tour? Why are you suddenly claiming to be a royal emissary?"

"I want to keep a low profile." I tried to appear more stern and noble, the demeanor fit for a royal appointee. If the soldier still refused to take me to their Alpha, I would have no choice but to break in by force.


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