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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 498

Sylvia's POV:

I reached for the name plate and looked at it. It couldn't be a mere coincidence that two vampires had the exact same name...

But those local werewolf soldiers had said that the slave Ashley was an abandoned vampire. How on earth could she have come from the Maurice clan?

The Maurice clan was one of the biggest, most powerful vampire clans. They were so well-known that even I knew about them, since my mother had mentioned that name when I was young.

Several wars between vampires and werewolves had been started by this clan, together with other forces.

After the werewolf race and the vampire race signed a peace treaty, the Maurice clan withdrew from the public eye. I hadn't heard anything about this clan in years.

So why was there a name plate with that clan's name here in this wardrobe? It was very likely that this was the old castle of the Maurice clan.

I slipped the name plate into a hidden pocket in the dress I was wearing and retreated from the wardrobe.

"Do you think this Ashley Maurice is the same Ashley we saw in Geoffrey's pack? That vampire slave?" I asked Yana curiously.

Yana thought for a while. "I believe so. They should be one and the same vampire, so this castle probably isn't that far from the pack."

"I'm really confused. The local soldiers all said that Ashley was a loser without any special power and that was why she was abandoned by her kind, but if she is really of Maurice descent, then how could she have ended up a slave?" As I talked to Yana, I kept searching the room for more clues.

Members of big clans were usually united, at least on the surface. No matter how serious the internal conflicts were, they had to maintain dignity when facing the outside world.

If Ashley really was a member of the Maurice clan, her clansmen should have protected her and she wouldn't have become the lowliest slave in a werewolf pack.

"There must be a very complicated story behind all this," Yana said in distress. "I really want to go out now. It's getting too stuffy here."

"Hold on a little longer. It's almost time for dinner," I comforted her.

As I spoke, I silently took a mental note of the layout of the whole room. After making sure that there was nothing else to see in the room, I blew out the candle.


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