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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 518

Sylvia's POV:

The castle was bigger than I expected.

I explored it floor by floor. As I walked around, I encountered several locked rooms. I used my unlocking skills and opened them one after the other.

There was a coffin in each of these locked rooms.

The coffins were all made of century-old, fine-quality wood. They all looked the same, but the patterns carved on the wood were different.

I pried open a dark wooden coffin lid and saw Ahern sleeping inside. His hands were crossed over his chest, and his curly golden hair rested softly on the pillow. Without his fangs, he looked like a good, innocent boy.

I loudly cleared my throat and feigned a cough to see if he would wake up. However, Ahern didn't even stir. I purposefully made noises, but he slept like a log.

'Hmm... Interesting.' I happily walked around to explore the other rooms. All these vampires were asleep.

"Sylvia! Let me out. I'll howl." Yana was so excited that she wanted me to turn into my wolf form.

After a moment's hesitation, I finally agreed, "Okay. Let's test the loudness of a noise required

to wake up the vampires."

Then, I turned into a wolf. I stretched out my limbs to relax my muscles and shook my head, ready to howl.


First, I let out a tentative flat noise.


Then, I increased my tone a decibel higher.

"Woof... woof... woof..."

I let out a musical howl that gradually grew louder.

Finally, I concluded these vampires would sleep soundly even if there was an earthquake.

Satisfied with the result, I transformed back into human form.


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