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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 545


Sylvia's POV:

The huge wall took three days to finally come down. From that moment on, there would be no more distinction between the inside and outside of the wall.

Soon, the army also began to engage in the reconstruction work.

Together, Flora and Warren were assigned to clear the debris of the wall.

Meanwhile, Rufus and I decided to visit and comfort the bereaved families of those who were tragically killed in the riot.

Many of the dilapidated buildings outside the wall had also been demolished in order to be rebuilt. Because of this, the amount of labor and resources needed was huge.

Everyone who was able was enlisted to contribute to the complicated work.

The homeless werewolves that used to live in the sewers and on the streets were taken to a temporary shelter. Once the new buildings were constructed, they would be allocated housing.

Food and accommodation were the easier problems to solve. The most pressing one was health.

It didn't come as much of a surprise, but the werewolves from outside the wall were suffering from long-term malnourishment along with other diseases.

Even without the threat of vampire attacks, these werewolves wouldn't have lived much longer anyway.

It was a good thing that Rufus thought of importing a big group of doctors and nurses from the imperial capital and stationing them in the pack's largest hospital.

One day, Rufus and I were doing work as usual outside the wall. We normally didn't return until the evening.

When we passed by the orphanage, I suddenly remembered Alva and asked to go and take a look.

While most of the children were able to reunite with their family, this didn't mean that the orphanage was now empty. Unfortunately, there were still many children who had permanently lost their families in the riot. They still needed to be taken care of. At the same time, many kind-hearted adults, who had lost their own children, came to take care of those left behind as well.


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