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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 568

Sylvia's POV:

Flora and I searched Noreen's lab and took everything that looked useful.

The most valuable find was the flower that could remove curses.

I followed Flora around with the plotted flower in my arms.

Flora was groping the wall, trying to find the mechanism.

"I saw it just now. That's how I opened the door to the hidden compartment." Flora's whole body was pressed against the wall, as if she was trying to use every inch of her skin to look for the mechanism.

Finally, I put down the potted plant and was about to help her when I suddenly stepped on something soft. Before I could react, the whole room began to swing, accompanied by rhythmic music.

As the room spun, Yana screamed excitedly, "Let me out! I want to jump around!"

"Calm down, Yana! Please! God! I feel like vomiting."

The floor was swinging very slowly, but I still felt nausea.

By now, Flora had already vomited. Wiping her mouth, she cursed angrily, "What the hell?!

Noreen is so good at messing with us!"

"Let me out, Sylvia! Listen to me. I won't feel dizzy!" Yana begged.

I pressed my fingers to my aching temple in an effort to get rid of the dizziness, but it didn't work.

Before I could lose my balance, I listened to Yana and turned into a wolf. In an instant, the dizziness disappeared.

Yana howled and pawed the ground, telling Flora to turn into a wolf, too.


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