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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 666

Warren's POV:

I was shocked when I heard my father's announcement. I hadn't expected him to invite Flora's parents over so soon.

I thought it would at least take a while before we finally met.

However, shortly after my father gave us this news, a subordinate came to inform us that Flora's parents had already arrived.

I was suddenly overwhelmed with nerves. This had happened so fast that I hadn't got a chance to prepare myself.

I began to fret that Flora's parents wouldn't accept me. After all, I had knocked their beloved daughter up before we could get married.

I didn't know her father's nature. If he truly wanted to beat me up, I was willing to bear the pain. I was going to marry their daughter regardless of their consent. Receiving a few punches from him wasn't that big a deal.

My father, who was walking beside me, curled his lips up with a sneer. "Don't be scared, son. You still have me with you. I have already made excellent arrangements."

"I'm not scared..." "You're not scared, huh? Look at the way you're dragging your feet."

He gave me a pointed look as he said this.

I quickly got my emotions under control and put on a calm facade.

Fortunately, Flora quickly walked past me and didn't notice my embarrassment.

"Be a man." My stony-faced father snorted coldly and couldn't stand my behavior anymore.

I followed Flora and heard a middle-aged she-wolf laugh in the distance.

Flora was surprised. She quickened her pace and rushed in the direction of the sound, embracing an amiable she-wolf.

"Mom! I missed you so much!"

"Oh, come here. Let me see you. You look prettier than before, my sweetheart!" The she-wolf wrapped her arms around Flora and kept calling her sweetheart.

She was Flora's mother, Hulda. She had an approachable personality and shared Flora's looks. Her face was a little round, and she was dressed in a beige shirt and cotton pants. She was lively and had an exuberant laugh.

The slightly plump male werewolf standing behind them must be Flora's father, Aitrs. He had a tender expression and his lips were curved up into a smile. Judging from his appearance, he was probably a handsome man when he was young.

Now that I was meeting Flora's parents, I finally knew why she was such a vibrant and optimistic woman.

All the people around her showered her with love, so even the deepest corners of her heart were bright and warm.

I walked up to greet them one by one.


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