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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 676

Alina's POV:

The guards' voice came from outside.

I instantly spun around and ran out. "Help! There is an assassin in my room!"

The guards quickly rushed to me and surrounded me protectively. "Where is the assassin, Miss Quinn?"

"In my room! Go and catch her!"

They charged into my room, well-armed with weapons, but were stumped. "Miss Quinn, there is no trace of an assassin here..."

"How is that possible?"

I pushed them aside from behind and discovered that there was indeed no assassin in my room. The woman in the black cloak had already escaped.

Witches were skilled at concealing themselves and using magic. If I wasn't holding the pendant that she gave me in my hand as proof, I would have thought that I had just hallucinated our encounter.

The guards did a thorough sweep of the room again, but failed to find the witch.

"Miss Quinn, why don'tyoushifttoanotherroom?" one of the guards suggested.

I shook my head and regained my composure. "There's no need. You can leave now."

The guards obeyed and filed out of the room.

My eyes fell on the pendant, which suddenly reminded me of something. I called out to the guards to stop them and asked, "Has a banquet been arranged for tonight?"

Three days ago, my father had sent his men to the East Sea to capture globefishes. The globefishes were only found in the sea near the Silver Moon Pack.

Their meat was renowned for being delicious and tender. Every time my father invited important guests, he would prepare this delicacy.

The castle was abuzz with activity these days, so I reasoned that they had been busy making preparations for the banquet.

But the guards didn't give me an answer right away. They exchanged glances with each other, hesitating to reveal the truth to me.


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