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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 696

Rufus' POV:

The figure in black ran really fast. As I chased it, I could see the hemline of Sylvia's dress fluttering in the air along with the shadow.

I didn't dare to let go. As I kept following the figure, the rage in my heart began to boil uncontrollably.

Fuck! Someone dared to kidnap my Sylvia away under my nose!

I shouldn't have left Sylvia with Alina alone!

Alina must be the one who set this up!

I had never chased someone like this in my life. With the fastest speed I could manage, I followed the person in black cloak. Suddenly, it stopped and said in an indistinct sound, "The famous Prince Rufus is indeed incredible. It's rare for someone to catch up with me."

Pursing my lips, I stared at the back of the person in black cloak and asked coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

The person in black cloak chuckled and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing is whether your mate will live or not."

Then, the person in black cloak sped up again.

To say I was furious would be an understatement. If I caught that person, he or she would definitely die a horrible death.

The person in black cloak quickly ran out of the castle and ran into an unknown path. Then, it passed the moat and entered the dense forest.

The forest blotted out the sky and the sunshine couldn't even penetrate. It was so quiet that only the sound of wind and crows could be heard.

I was only ten steps away from that person in black cloak when a hurricane mixed with dust suddenly came.

All of a sudden, the figure disappeared without a trace.

Fuck! That person cheated!

At that time, the sound of the footsteps of a lot of people sounded from behind.

"Prince Rufus, did you catch that person?" In a hurry, Edwin walked up to me with a long sword in his hand and he looked really anxious.

"I lost that person. Let's split up and search the forest. Report to me as soon as you found something. Understand?" I ordered everyone in a deep voice.


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