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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 715

Sylvia's POV:

Thankfully, a pair of big hands caught my body before I could drop on the floor.

I raised my head stiffly. It was Rufus who came in a hurry. Judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to have also heard what had happened.

"Sylvia, you need to calm down," he uttered worriedly as he held me.

But I couldn't calm down at all. I grabbed the guard's collar and asked frantically, "Where is Leonard?"

The guard started to speak but held his tongue after giving it some thought. He probably thought I still refused to believe him. "Alpha Leonard is really dead."

I finally lost it and said, "Whatlamaskingyouis..." Words seemed to have left my head as I couldn't finish my sentence. There was a lump in my dry throat, and my voice was extremely hoarse. "Where is his... his body?"

The guard choked with sobs and began to wail. I was able to pinpoint the body's whereabouts in between his sobs.

The tension in my hands melted away as I released his collar and took a long breath. "I'm sorry."

Then I turned around and hurried to that location.

When I arrived at the place, I was stopped by the guards at the door.

"Get out of my way," I ordered coldly.

They exchanged glances before one of them said sternly, "Miss Alina doesn't allow anyone to go in there."

I sneered, "She forbids anyone from entering? Is she trying to hide something from us?"


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