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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 729

Sylvia's POV:

I was so confused about how Alina was reacting. She was in a state of panic with a hint of unspeakable guilty conscience in her eyes.

"Do you know why Noreen came to harm Leonard? Hadn'tyoubeen in contact with Noreen? You should know something about her plan. Have you ever seen or talked with Noreen before Leonard died?" I stared at Alina's face, trying to read something into her flustered expression.

However, she evaded my eyes and lowered her head anxiously. "I know nothing about it. When I got there, my father and Chet were already on the ground. My father looked like he was about to die, and Chet was still trying to stab him with the dagger. If I hadn't stopped Chet, he would have already succeeded. Unfortunately, my father still couldn't make it."

"You were the only one who saw what happened that time? What about the servants? Where were they?"

Alina had always been trailed by a crew of servants and guards everywhere she went. If she had witnessed what happened at that time, logically speaking, the servants and guards should have also seen it. On top of that, it was their Alpha's residence, so any noise would have drawn attention. There was no way that Leonard could have been murdered without first calling for aid.

"The servants hadn't arrived yet, and the guards had been relocated somewhere by Edwin," Alina answered remorsefully. "I still regret knowing that I could have prevented my father's death if I had been there earlier that day. If I had known that Chet was such a monster, I would have broken off my marriage even if it meant getting beaten to death by my father."

I gave out a noncommittal stance. I'd met Chet before the wedding, and I knew he wouldn't do something that evil. But now, all the shreds of evidence pointed to him as the murderer. The only possible explanation that could convince me was that Noreen had manipulated him.

The weapon stained with her scent was not something to ignore.

This incident was undeniably a huge deal to everyone. No matter who the murderer was, I must find out what really happened.

"If Noreen contacts you again or you remember anything that might help, I hope you can contact me as soon as possible," I said to Alina.

Alina nodded. Then she abruptly left, claiming she wasn't feeling well.

I scowled as I stared at her receding figure and sensed something was off.


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