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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 769

Sylvia's POV:

"Where is your ring? Why don't you wear it?" The tone of Rufus' voice was flat, but it still made me very flustered.

I stammered, "I... I hid it away."

"Hid it away? Why?" It seemed that Rufus was not going to stop until he was satisfied with my answer. I felt like a criminal he was interrogating, and he was always patient when he had to do that. Now, he patiently waited for me to expound on my answer.

"Because... it's just so inconvenient to wear such a big diamond ring. It's too ostentatious for me to wear when I go to the army. And it worries me that it might get stolen." I contorted my lips into a pout so I looked even more innocent.

Rufus spent a few seconds to look at me and then responded in a more calm tone, "Then I'll just buy you another one. One that you can wear every day."

"That's alright with me. After all, that proposal doesn't count anyway since I fainted at that moment. It seems that you have to propose to me again," I softened my voice when I spoke to him.

Rufus smiled and nodded in agreement. "Okay, I will make it up to you one of these days."

"So soon? I was hoping you could propose to me next month, on our 1st anniversary." I wrapped my hands around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. Then I looked at him earnestly. "Then we would have a double celebration. Wouldn't that be nice, Rufus?"

That uneasy feeling began to settle in my stomach the more I spoke out loud. Rufus seemed to be eager to marry me, and I couldn't use the same trick twice to get away! Once he proposed to me successfully, Ethan and Laura would definitely make the announcement to the world. Then, they wouldn't be able to wait to hold the wedding for us.

If things were to ever get out of control in the future, it would be hard for me to leave Rufus.

Rufus kept silent for a while when he had heard what I said. "Really? Is that what you've been thinking about?"

When he asked that, I almost trembled in terror. What the hell! It seemed that he could see through anything; he was so observant!


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