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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 791

Sylvia's POV:

"Rufus!" I exclaimed.

The giant wolf bit Shawn's arm and dragged him about twenty feet away from me.

Shawn let out a shrill scream. His entire arm was bloodied and hung over his shoulder like a rag.

The next second, Rufus transformed back into his human form, exhibiting a cold and murderous look on his face. He approached Shawn with heavy steps, gripped his neck, and hauled him up.

Shawn howled in pain, unable to struggle.

Seeing that Rufus was about to break Shawn's neck, I immediately stopped him. "Rufus, no! You are the prince. You can't just kill the citizens like this!"

Since Rufus was set to become king, all eyes were on him. Nothing should go wrong while he was under such scrutiny from the public. Otherwise, those who didn't want him to be crowned would definitely take advantage of it.

Hearing my voice, Rufus spun around to face me and shoved Shawn against the wall.

Covered with blood all over, Shawn collided with the wall, landed on the floor, and spewed more blood. Rufus had clearly used so much force that Shawn's internal organs were most likely severely injured.

"From now on, you are no longer the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack. And you are prohibited from meddling in any matters of the pack. Guards, take Shawn away and lock him up." Rufus directly ordered to dismiss Shawn and stripped him of all his privileges. Shawn was limited to living like a commoner in the pack and was banned from visiting the capital city for the rest of his life.

With a broken hand and now toothless, Shawn lay on the ground and cried, "Why?! I only wanted to help you catch that bitch who has been having an affair behind your back. What crime did I commit? I just want..."

Before Shawn could finish his words, Rufus stomped on his mouth, immediately shuttinghim up.

Rufus looked indifferent, a cold aura emitting from him. A hint of cruelty could be extracted in his nonchalant voice as he said, "Why? Well, because you harmed the future lycan queen."


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