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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 819

Sylvia's POV:

Edwin's direct words caused a great uproar among the crowd. Warren and others were completely taken aback at his revelation.

I didn't know what to do. I thought he would keep it a secret from them for now, and didn't expect him to reveal it at this very moment.

"Sylvia, you're Alpha Leonard's daughter? That's just amazing!" Obviously, Flora was very surprised and pleased to learn about it as she turned to me with her bright eyes. However, the next second, she lowered her head and let out a deep sigh.

I knew why she did that. Flora had been helping me find my father. But after finally finding him, the universe took him away from me, forever. No words could ever describe the regret and sorrow in my heart.

I patted her shoulder and reassured in a comforting voice, "Don't worry. I'm fine now. It's still unfortunate, but I have to get on with my life." At this time, the pack's elders, as well as the Alphas who had traveled from other packs to attend the ceremony, began talking amongst themselves

For werewolves, nothing was more important than their bloodline. When Edwin revealed that I was Leonard's daughter, no one believed it.

But I had been mentally preparing myself for such reaction, and I just didn't care whether they believed it or not.

It didn't matter what they thought now.

"You can check this document if you don't believe me."

Edwin took out a paper bag and opened it. "These are not only Sylvia and Leonard's paternity test results, and this is a document written by Leonard himself when he was still alive. It stated that Sylvia would be officially recognized as the princess of the pack. Look at the stamp. You all know no one can forge an Alpha's stamp."


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