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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 974

Laura's POV:

My heart trembled. Seeing Rufus in so much pain broke my heart. "Don't think about that. It's nothing important. You didn't like Alina at all at the time, so it's not strange that you forgot those bad memories. I often can't remember what I ate for breakfast, let alone what happened a few years ago."

Rufus' forehead was covered in beads of sweat, and he gripped the edge of the table tightly, as though he was trying to suppress something.

"I don't know why my head will hurt like this. It's not the first time this has happened," Rufus said with difficulty.

I was a little angry. Rufus was so stubborn and wouldn't stop until he got the answers he was looking for. But I couldn't give him what he wanted.

"I've told you already. The black witch Noreen hurt you and you sustained a brain injury five years ago. As a result, your memories were affected, so it's normal for you to forget some things that happened years ago. It's like what Beryl is going through now. Maybe one day, you'll also recover." I looked at Rufus darkly, hoping he'd just drop the subject and stop trying to recall the past.

Rufus didn't respond. Wincing, he lowered his head, lost in thought.

I felt both anger and heartbreak seeing my son like this. I took out a handkerchief and dabbed the sweat off his forehead, saying, "Your father's gone because Noreen's power made his condition worsen. I'm warning you, stop being reckless. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the whole royal family will be affected."

"I see..." Rufus muttered in a low voice.

"Fortunately, Noreen's gone. She was so hard to deal with."

Just then, Rufus' eyes flickered in confusion. "If Noreen was so powerful, how did you defeat her? Both me and father were unconscious at that time, right?"

Of course we got another black witch to defeat her! But I couldn't say that aloud. Pretending to be calm, I said, "I got help, of course. We worked tirelessly to set a trap for Noreen and killed her."


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