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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 13

Anaiah's POV

Leon is coming to us with a killer smile, I almost died and I purr. Arya chuckles and I blush.

"Princess!" Dan calls, running to hug Arya. My mate stands in front of me, he puts his warm hands on either side of my neck and attaches his lips to my forehead and butterflies erupt in my stomach. My breath quivers

"I missed you, my Princess," He says, looking into my eyes. He is sincere. I miss him too but I don't say a word.

Pack members are watching us interact and I feel uncomfortable. In the corner of my eyes, I see my mother glaring at me, her hate-filled eyes are too much for me to bear, what did I ever do to her? Why does she hate me so much?

'Mother?' I try to mind link her, mother, mother, that sounds strange to my ears. It's been years since I used it.

'Dad,' I mind link again but there is no answer, I can't even feel them. Did they completely disown me too? Tears well in my eyes.

"Love, are you okay?" A distant voice asks.

"Please, excuse me," I run to the storage closet where I stay. I close the door and sit on the cold floor, burying my face in my legs and letting myself cry.

I hear the door open and I wipe my tears quickly.

Leondre's POV

My mate runs while crying. I face my sister and Beta, and they only shrug. I follow her scent to where she disappeared to. The small passage is dark and dusty, does anyone even live here? I see a small wooden door and open it, I enter and see her sitting in the corner of the room, her eyes are red and her body is trembling. I rush to her and hug her. She wraps her hands around me and she cries silently.

"What is this place?" I hear my sister ask, I pull away to check the place out, it looks like an old walk-in closet with a small mattress that doesn't look too soft. There is a chair and a desk that has books on it, a small mirror on the other side, and a few clothes that are hanging. The place doesn't have much light but it's clean and smells like cranberry.

"Baby, is this your room?" I ask, she shifts uncomfortably a little but nods. I wipe her tears from her beautiful eyes, I don't ever want to see her shed a tear of sadness. She smiles softly, moving away from her, and my Lycan whimpers at the distance she put.

"You're staying with me from now on," I tell her.

She hesitates, and looks at Arya, since when are they close? My sister gives her an encouraging smile and my mate nods at me.

"You know what, let's downstairs, dinner is ready," Announces Dan with a grin. My mate once again pauses but Arya grabs her hand and takes her outside.


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