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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 15

Leondre's POV

She is thrashing and crying in her sleep. I try to hold her down but she's still shaking violently.

"Baby, baby," I shake her, she wakes up and wraps her arms around me. I hold her tenderly all while eyeing Arya and Dan, they are worried too.

She pulls away from me and I wipe her tears.

"Are you okay?" Asks Arya, concerned. She nods positively

"Bad dream, I'm sorry," She says in a mild voice. I sigh and pull her onto my lap. I slip my hand around her waist and she relaxes in my embrace.

"Do you have nightmares?" Asks Dan. I see tears dance in her eyes but she sways her head away. I kiss her shoulder and she smiles slightly. I grin, happy that I made her smile with my simple gesture.

"I've been having nightmares since I shifted on my thirteenth,"

"What happened on your thirteenth birthday, baby?" I ask gently. My Ana takes a deep breath before speaking

"I killed someone, an Alpha," Silence befalls us and she looks at each one of us, searching for something, disdain? Hate? I don't know but when she didn't find whatever she was searching for she continued.

"His name was Tomas Rivers, he was our Alpha's brother,"

"I'm sure he deserved it," Says Arya, shrugging her shoulders.

"He used to touch me when no one is watching and on my birthday, he tried to rape me," She says with sadness, I hold her closer to me, I am angry and my wolf was raging within me. Someone tried to take my mate forcibly.

She turns slightly to me so that our eyes meet, a small smile crossing her delicate lips as she raises her fingers to caress her cheek.

"I'm fine now," I immediately relax into her touch, how does she do it? Magic.

"So that's why that bitch was yapping," Growls Arya

"Well, after that, everyone hated me and shunned me, even my parents," She says looking away. A tight knot stirs in my stomach. They abused a girl because she killed a pedophile in self defense? I hold her closer, I know it's too late to change what happened but I make a silent promise to always protect her, nothing will ever harm or hurt her.

"These bastards," Arya growls. She plops back into her seat. As she continues to tell us all that happened, my anger is rising and so are my sisters and Betas.


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