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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 25

Anaiah's's POV

I was questioning everything in my life, I ran to the bathroom and sobbed, the door opened after a few minutes, and the woman, Alaiah, walked in, she looked confident and very beautiful. She retouches her makeup and gets her phone from her purse, snapping a picture.

Her eyes roam to me and she scowls, " Um. can you please move, I can see your shadow in the picture, "I'm stunned for a moment but do. She calls a number but they don't pick up.

"Hello, this is Leondre, leave your message," With my wolf's hearing I can pick up what they were saying on the other side, silent sobs escape my lips as I get my confirmation. How is this possible for my mate to get married? Alaiah is huffing and cursing at her phone because my mate didn't answer her.

"All the time, he avoids me like a plague," She says to herself. I wipe my tears one more time and go outside. I need to leave this place.

"Ana," Calls Mutinta. My eyes are filled with tears and with the look she gives me, I break down, crying. She hugs me tightly against her and I sob in her arms.

"I want to leave," I cry. It is raining outside but all I want is to be away from this engagement party.

I freeze when I detect his intoxicating scent, Leon is here. I watch as he steps into the room, looking glorious as usual and everyone bows to him, he goes straight to Alaiah and kisses her cheek. The woman smiles as h though he offered the whole world to her and she kisses his lips.

My chest felt like it was being stabbed a thousand times and I clenched my fist, tears poured out of my eyes like rain from the sky. As if he felt my glare on me, he turns around to face me and his eyes widen in shock, panic takes over his features and next to him I hear Dan say ' fuck'.

I ran away from the room, crying. I closed the elevator just as he wanted to step in. Sitting on the floor, I sob loudly. My mate betrayed me, he's to get married to another. My chest constricts and I bellow. I feel hands around me, and only do I notice Mutinta is here with me. She holds me close and when the elevator stops on the ground floor, I am surprised to see the king there, pacing and scaring everyone in the lobby with his intimidating aura. He rushes to me and holds my wrists

"It's not what you think," He agitates, I scoff and retreat from him.

"What isn't, that you are not engaged to that woman?"

"Ana, all this is just for show, it is for an alliance to merge the Lycan packs because other packs are devising against us," he tried to explain but I wasn't listening to him. When I look at him, I only see the man who has betrayed me. My wolf is growling in anger and she revolts against his touch

"Were you going to tell me about her?" I ask, wiping my tears, Leon doesn't answer, just looks down in shame. "Just what am I to you?!" I yell, frustrated with the whole situation. My heart hurt so much and I was failing to breathe.


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