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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 35

Erickson's POV

"Shouldn't we attack now that Lavista is vulnerable due to the disappearance of his mate?" Asks Alpha Martin. I glance over to my brother Jacob but he's in deep thought, his eyes wandering over our territory.

"Not now,"

"Why?" asks the bald Alpha, a smirk forms on my lips.

"Well, because I have found out something even more interesting about a certain princess,"

Two days ago, I visited a seer who saw a glimpse of the future. Even if I defeated Leondre in the battle, I still won't be king, the seer showed me that I can only be king once I mate and mark a princess of Crest pack. I inform the Martins what she told me and he snickers,

"Impossible! That pack was wiped out a decade ago!"

I shake my head at him and the old man seems more confused. " Two members of the royal chosen family survived the vicious attack and in their veins run power like no other, power to command wolves, with the werewolf princess by my side, no one will rise against my rule,"

"Do you know who these royal members are?" I smile, remembering that it's my beautiful Anaiah. I didn't see this one coming but I'm delighted.

"Yes, I'm in contact with the princess," I answer Martin,

"Then mark her so that we can finally get Leondre from the throne," He shouts. I can see that my brother is getting frustrated with this man as he keeps rolling his eyes every five seconds.

"She has to accept me and she will sooner or later," I inform them.

"What?! How will you do that?" Asks Alaiah in an irritating tone, passing a drink to Jacob but he doesn't take it. She frowns and gulps it.

When the seer informed me that Anaiah was the princess of the Crest pack, I wasn't too shocked, I knew that there was something special about that girl and her being Enrique's sibling only confirmed how special she is. I've known Enrique for years and we are on good terms, however, he refuses to ally with anyone but now that he has found his sister, he will ally with a pack she sides with and I'll make sure it's my pack.

"I don't think she will come to you so easily brother,"

"Oh, she will, she will," I hum. I will make it my mission to bring Anaiah to my side no matter what, she's the key to my being King.

'Sir, we have been keeping an eye on the future Luna and.. and she has gone back to the royal pack,' One of the spies I put on Anaiah informs me, I hit the mahogany as anger burned inside me. Is Anaiah taking back Leondre? or is she going to reject him once and for all, my mind is buzzing with questions.

"Get out," I order the Alpha and his daughter, seeing how angry I am, they don't protest. My brother is watching me intently.

"She has gone back to him," I tell him quietly.

"Was there any doubt? She's his mate, Eric," Jacob sighs in a bored tone, lately he has withdrawn into a shell and is not too keen to go against Lavista.

"All this will only bring bloodshed and interminable grief to those who will be caught in the middle," Jacob says with a faraway look in his gaze.

"That's called collateral damage, do you think Leondre will surrender? Give up his pack so easily, and I'll take it in the most brutal way possible even if I'll have to decapitate everyone who stands in my way, especially that sister of his," I could have sworn that a growl left my brother's throat but I may have just imagined it. His eyes flickered dark before going back to their normal color, blue, like our late mother's.


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