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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 41

Anaiah's POV

Alaiah gets off the ground and pounces at me but I am fast to attack her. I punched her in the face a few times and kicked her. I grab her neck and lift her off the ground even though she is a few inches taller. I threw her into the nearest wall. She is no quitter so she charges at me but before she can reach me, she is restrained by Jake, the huge man is holding her with ease while she shouts to be released, and in frustration, she starts slopping insults in my face.

I feel tingles on my body and I know my mate was right next to me, I didn't mean to but I moved away from his touch and it hurt him. I need to deal with his bitch ex now or else she will think she can walk over me dirty, Alaiah needs to be put in her place now.

"Alaiah!" Roars the king, his roar was powerful, it made the ground vibrate beneath us and everyone in the room bows their heads except me, he was my mate so his aura didn't affect me as greatly as the others. He walks toward her like a predator.

" How dare you come on my land, I can kill you right now and there shall be no consequences,"

I hold his shoulder to stop him from doing whatever he was about to do. If someone is to teach that brat a lesson, it would be me.

My mate twists his neck to look at me, his eyes soften and I smile. He looks relieved.

"Alaiah came all the way to insult and intimidate me, I politely asked her to leave but she disregarded and attacked me, I think we should duel," I tell him, and his eyes almost bulge, even though I've shown him that I'm strong, he's still worried that I can't beat a Lycan and it makes my blood boil that my mate has no faith in me.

"Leondre, Leondre my love, she is not the right woman for you!" The bitch screeches and I want to lunge at her but I refrain. I need to teach her a lesson, the right way, if I were to cause her harm, Alpha Martin would use this to gain sympathy from the other packs. I made a promise to myself that I will be an asset to my mate, not a liability.

" Please, love, I think Alaiah and I need this, a match,"

"Yes! I'll tear you apart, you pathetic Omega! Leondre, how can you leave me for this child? A whore," The Alpha's daughter shouts, making Jake purposely hurt her with his sharp claws for insulting me.

"Fuck You" She mutters. This woman has no respect even with all these enemy Lycans in her presence, she's busy throwing insults.

"Please let me at her?" I ask my mate. He sighs deeply and I know that I'm getting the approval. He turns to the bitch

"A match? "

"Yes, a match,"

As we reach the huge arena, I'm surprised to find there are so many people occupying the seats, all ready to watch the fight. News flies fast. Alaiah is talking to a few Lycans from her pack, she is smirking while looking here. They were allowed here because this part is on neutral ground so anyone can come.

Leondre cups my face and puts his head over mine.

"Are you sure about this?" He is worried. I smile to assure him that I can do this.

"Don't worry about me, I am a warrior in my pack, remember?"

"Was and Alaiah may not look it but she's a strong Lycan," He sighs. I put my hand on his shoulder to give him more assurance but his body goes rigid and I catch his scent, Erickson is here. We turn to the huge entrance and indeed, the Alpha of the Northern pack is walking toward us with a smile on his lips, next to him is a tall handsome man with tanned skin and nice blue eyes, however, his warm gaze is on Arya. I sense the tension between them.

"What are you doing here?" Growls my mate, holding me possessively to him. Erickson smiles and his gaze roams over me before answering my mate,


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