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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 47

Arya's POV

I am thinking about whom could have sent those men to get my sister-in-law, could it be Erickson, last time at the match he showed interest in her and didn't bother hiding that he lusted for her, and now, my brother is losing his shit over this, his woman has got 24/7 protection even though she doesn't know it.

After replying to some work emails, I go into the shower for a relaxing bath. I lay my head on the border. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to images of my mate.

Drying my body with a towel, I go to bed.

Laying on the bed, my thoughts drifted to Jacob. He was hurt that I wanted to take a break but it was for the best. Our relationship was moving fast and I needed time to recollect my thoughts.

My phone rings and I reluctantly check to see who it is, Jacob. I sigh and end the call. I received a text from him.

"Are you alright?" I don't respond, another notification comes

"Call me whenever you need me, Arya,"

The next day, my brother woke me before five to go and investigate what happened but it was futile, no one saw them enter the territory and their scents were concealed.

He orders a search in most territories to check if they are any more shifter slayers,

"It's almost noon, let's go home and rest," I complain tired, we've been moving up and down but I have a feeling he just wants to avoid his mate for some reason, Leondre was hurt that she kept the truth about her powers a secret even though we suspected already that she could be a special wolf because of her bloodline.

"Have you talked to her about what happened last night, about her powers?"

" No," His eyes are cold and are exuding his Alpha aura.

"Talk to her, maybe she was just scared and.." I tell him my thoughts about it.

Once I reach home, I refresh and rest before going to Anaiah's room, I need someone to go to the club with. Anaiah protests and complains as she has never gone to the club before but I insist and she accepts.

"Fine, it's not like Leon cares. He's been avoiding me since yesterday," I give her a quick hug and pick out a sexy outfit for her. I do her make out and damn, the queen looks divine but she's a little shy in her outfit, however, she will suck it up. I wear a sequin dress that reaches mid-thigh and heels. We make our way downstairs. The servants we meet giggle and compliment how beautiful we look and Ana is so sheepish! Too cute. I drive us to the nearest club in the city, and because they know me, we don't stand in line. We get into the club and I smile at the familiarity of the place, a large bar, and the dance floor with different colored lights with loud music. I drag Ana to the bar

"Hi, beautiful ladies," The bartender smiles and I wink and wave, he's docky and cute. " What are you having?" He asks in an Italian accent.

"Tequila shots!"

"Four shots coming your way," Anaiah is looking around uncomfortably, and almost cringes when men wink at her.

"You need to loosen up and drink," I say as I hand her the drink. I thought she wouldn't drink it but she did. I smiled and we kept going and talking more. Next, we go to the dancefloor,


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